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Member Since 19 Apr 2018
Offline Last Active May 02 2018 07:06 PM

Topics I've Started

BFME 2 RotWK Problem with ingame model

22 April 2018 - 02:15 PM



I'm having problem with an ingame model

whenever it is build it starts doing weird things

maybe it's because of the model or maybe i did something wrong



I made a video about it here is the link:



Thanks for reading :)

RJ-RotWK crash

21 April 2018 - 09:52 AM



I wanted to play some RJ-RotWK today but when i launched the game it crashed i was on version 2.02

then i decided to change back to 2.01 but it still crashed. Then i uninstalled 2.02 patch and it still crashed...


After that i decided to reinstall Rotwk and also RJ-RotWK but it still crashed

Then i reinstalled Bfme 2 and still.. yep crash...


So that's when i decided to go and ask here what may cause the crash then 

The original game works and i changed options.ini etc..


Current version is 2.01 no mods installed in the game file


Thanks for reading :)

-mod command doesn't work

19 April 2018 - 03:41 PM



I have been spending my day modding bfme today i read toturials etc.. downloaded final.big extracted all files in to my mod file MyMod<Data<ini ... and edited some files to make Arnor playable using playertemplate.ini and add a new hero in to the game for Arnor (planning to make Arnor a complete faction)


When i was done editing the files i made a new shortcut and edited the path to this "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Lord of the Rings, The Rise of the Witch-king\lotrbfme2ep1.exe" -mod"C:\Program Files (x86\Electronic Arts\My Mod"

when i launched the shortcut with that path in it nothing had changed in the game.


I have some other mods installed too using -mod command like RJ-RotWK and that one works perfectly fine


So it's really weird it doesn't work with my edited files


Does anyone have a solution? 


Thanks for reading my post :)