For two month on Revora 20 people friended me ingame. I don't want to be a bad example for them as other do.
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Member Since 02 May 2018Offline Last Active Aug 05 2018 01:38 AM
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In Topic: StarFuck - Point Push - Confirmed
03 August 2018 - 06:41 AM
In Topic: StarFuck - Point Push - Confirmed
22 July 2018 - 09:40 AM
@ToxicShock What is unranked maps exaclty can you please explain it to me?
In Topic: StarFuck - Point Push - Confirmed
22 July 2018 - 01:40 AM
I will use your reccomendation to correct my statistc in the future to make sure not interrupting ladder process. Thanks for that again much appreciate your help.
In Topic: StarFuck - Point Push - Confirmed
21 July 2018 - 04:41 AM
@Pomnite, great work on figuring it out. Your post is brilliant explanation on what was happening with my statistic and it's pretty accurate. I will sure thing get use of your information.
Tho this mechanism is very confusing for newcommer and imo admins should add it to FAQ or something.
In Topic: StarFuck - Point Push - Confirmed
17 July 2018 - 01:44 PM
1) My wins counting up and resseting after each time I'm winning. I started topic about it, got zero help, been told it might be server problems but zero information on solution.
This is pretty much extraordinary situation since everyone else getting they wins up after they winning the game, meanwhile I'm getting it +1 and -1 in blink of an eye stucked on 2 wins even tho i won alot of games after those 2 wins. So if statistic working that poor and none can help this is my protest manifest.
2)Where's the rule that I can't do such things?
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