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Member Since 15 May 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2023 09:01 PM

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In Topic: [Tiberium wars/Kane`s wrath] Failed to establish connection with other people

17 June 2018 - 11:05 AM

Does your router have an option called "Firewall" or "SPI-Firewall" by any chance?

That might block the traffic since most routers comes with it's own firewall system.


The other way around would be to use a VPN in the hope that'll solve the issue.

You should be able to find a few free VPNs through google.

Disbaled the firewall and now it works! Thank you very much! <3

In Topic: [Tiberium wars/Kane`s wrath] Failed to establish connection with other people

16 June 2018 - 10:51 PM

Does your router have an option called "Firewall" or "SPI-Firewall" by any chance?
That might block the traffic since most routers comes with it's own firewall system.

The other way around would be to use a VPN in the hope that'll solve the issue.
You should be able to find a few free VPNs through google.

Yes, it does have a firewall option, the ipv6 firewall protection is enablad, i'll try to disable it tomorrow

In Topic: [Tiberium wars/Kane`s wrath] Failed to establish connection with other people

16 June 2018 - 09:56 PM

Does it show any errors while starting the match?

Such as Connection Error 1-2 Connection In Progress/Connection Failed.

Unfortunatly, it doesn't, just the connection keeps failing, but there're no messages about it. I can join matches, but not start them, because of the connection problems.