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Member Since 31 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2007 06:41 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New Update

13 October 2006 - 02:48 PM

looking good! i have been antisipating this mod for some wile. ( btw sorry for getting off ur topic here) and i didnt think u had gotten this far so fast. but ( and i mean this in the best possible way cuz like i have no idea how to do this shit so i shouldnt talk) you textering could use come touch up's. :p simply helpful critisim :grin:

In Topic: Main Suggestion Topic.

29 August 2006 - 10:37 PM

This is just me but you guys should get a web site and if u already have one point me there plz ^_^

In Topic: Supreme Commander

25 August 2006 - 08:24 PM

Im still a die hard starcraft fan but this may just replase it as my new fav Stragity game

In Topic: Main Suggestion Topic.

27 July 2006 - 01:00 AM

Sry i didnt know it was seed only but how can u sit there and tell be the seed MS's would beat the Gundams of wing?? They were the best of the best! ( Still pisses me off that those retardes blew them up...TWICE!)
And you are right about it being gay on the fact that there friends and than foes than friends again... and dude the tall gees was made from junk yard parts...

In Topic: Main Suggestion Topic.

25 July 2006 - 07:56 PM

Dude i got an idea man you should make gundam wing suits (aka heavyarms, death syth, sandrock, wing zero , and the other 1) make them like hero's that would be sick