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Member Since 20 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2007 04:46 PM

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World War 3 - multiplayer game.

20 February 2006 - 11:16 PM

New contra specific multiplayer game:

This is an alternate reality, different from the story line of Zero Hour and different from real world story.

World War 3?

10th of July, 2015.
The new ruler of North Korea, Xen Van, has, according to the U.S. government gone mad. At 3.54 pm this morning, 5 ballistic missiles was launched, from a North Korean submarine against different targets in the United States. At 5.14 one missile gets past the US missile defence system. The missile carried a 20 mTon nuclear warhead, which exploded above the city of Los Angeles, California. The US. Government have declared state of emergency. Approximately 5 million people are confirmed dead, and 10 million people destiny is still unsure.

11th of July
USA has declared war on North Korea, since they reject to surrender. As forces from all over the globe is travelling to South Korea, nearly all missile defence systems are being concentrated on the state of North Korea. The US president, rejects to use nuclear weapons.

13th of July
European countries agrees to support their American allies.

14th of July
Chinese government remains silent, but moves forces to the northern borders of Korea.

15th of July
US president requests Chinese support in the upcoming war.

16th of July
China refuses.

17th of July
American forces cross the borders of North Korea, lead by their four greatest generals, not knowing that meanwhile Chinese forces cross the borders of North Korea to the north, lead by their four greatest generals. Not to attack North Korea, but to support them.

Is this the World War 3? It’s for you to decide.

This is a war game very similar to the board game Risk. You conquer regions, one at a time, and when you attack, it’s a game of normal Contra004, but on a special designed map, which reflects the area you are fighting for.

There will come a battle map, and the generals need to discuss their strategy together with their allies etc. to win. Battles will mainly be held on Sundays, unless the combatants can agree to do it sometime else.

I can give you:
Unique storyline, intense battles on special designed maps, risk like battle-map, world affecting battle-map general powers.

We first need 8 generals. 4 for USA, 4 for China.
Write your contact options, and which general you wanna be. Questions are welcome.
If enough join, we will also have 4 generals from GLA.

ps. Sorry for the bad english. Im from Denmark.