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Member Since 21 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 13 2006 11:00 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New to PR 7.0 Help please

12 March 2006 - 05:56 PM

thanks Vanguard for helping me out good thing sombody has my back ;) and about thos linear tanks dont do any thing to em bout raise the prices to about 5k and that would work just fine that was it takes a lot to kill a base giving them the enemy more time to build units to stop you while it takes you 2 min to get your next shipment of drugs workth 50k to come in (what other cargo is worth 50k in 6 little boxes :p ). their for it gives the enemy plenty of time just my opnion.

dang the doctor said i wil be in a cast for 12- 18 weeks that a lot of translating :)

In Topic: Bugs, Mismatches, and Errors. POST HERE

12 March 2006 - 05:46 PM

i have noticed that a mismatch occures when i launch a a-10 strike wiht the laser gen then just the game after that i didnt lauch one but the afg did and it also mismatched. just leting ya know and great work on the mod. and why dont the drones for the laser gen get the allumnim oxide upgrade ?

In Topic: New to PR 7.0 Help please

10 March 2006 - 07:07 PM

have you tried to re pair your zh withe the mod installed then patch it. me and my friend had the same problem and all he did was repair his first decade and reinstall the patch and it worked

sorry bout my typind kind of hard to type when your left hand is in cast :p

In Topic: Darn Good Job on the mod

25 February 2006 - 04:40 AM

This isn't a laser general vehicle, that's what the Palanx is, and it fires an Ion Cannon, I have already said that.

whats the palanx?
i thought the liner tank fired the ion cannon and the tomach laser laucher lauches a subatomic particle beam of light which has a buch of gama rayz whitch bend toward the negativly charged core. becaus of the negative charges of the core we get the effect of the laser being attacted doward causing the arch :blink: just a litle info on vanguard's tomach and how it bends the laser :)

In Topic: What programs do you use to mod wiht

22 February 2006 - 11:43 PM

ok i have the ini opener and the .big opener all i need is to get the w3d exporter and the photoshop

ever used TOWTools 2005 to open the ini and .big? it sems to work pridy good caus you can use note pad and stuf
thanks for your informantion