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Member Since 22 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2006 03:19 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Whom must ZTZ-104 belong to?

26 February 2006 - 07:14 PM

I agree... Infantry needs atleast some anti-tank vehichle. It doesn't have to be an awsome unit, but strong enouigh that 3 could fight 2 battlemasters. In the same strenght area as the AirF tank

I hear what you guys are saying... but I respectfully disagree. I think having a vehicle that's used to outdo other vehicles is going against what infantry generals should be about.

I was just watching a Discovery Channel special on how Egypt handled some of it's early battles against Israel in the 60's or 70's. And apparently, Egypt did very well against Israel's tanks for a while, because they were very good at getting well armed infantry to surround Israeli tanks, and use their RPG and other explosives. The point is that some tanks are not so good at beating infantry and some infantry are much better at beating tanks.

So if you feel infantry general needs some more anti-tank work, I think it should be given without making a stronger armor vehicle. Maybe if infantry had the same "laser lock" rockets as US infantry does in standard ZH. That way, it takes more micromanagement, but when anti-tank units "dig in", they pack more punch than other antitank units.

In Topic: Huge Uninstall Problem

26 February 2006 - 07:05 PM

The assault general crash you decribed usualy comes from the contra.big being placed in the wrong folder. If it is placed in the main ZH folder or the mydocuments/ZH folder it will create this error because the .big contents are being parsed in the wrong order with the other files.

The directions in the read me tell exactly where to put all the files. Putting them elsewhere will only crash the game.

A friend of mine helped me with the problem, and you were right... sort of.

The thing is... I never put the files anywhere I expected ZH to find them. Remember, on this particular problem I was not installing Contra. At all. I merely unzipped it and put it into (what I thought) was a totally unrelated, unreferenceable folder to Zero Hour. And that's all I did. And that action caused Zero Hour to crash. Even after a fresh install.

The problem was (apparently) that First Decade scans every folder when Zero Hour loads up, apparently. Like, if I have a contra.big file stored (as in hiding) in a Red Alert folder or Tiberian Sun folder... Zero Hour /First Decade will still see it, and try to use it, even if it's not in Zero Hour's dir. So when I move all mod related files out of CnC (and not just CnC/Zero Hour), then it seems everything works fine.

Now, it's just a matter of finding a mod swapper that works with Frist Decade, cuz both of mine don't seem to like it.

Thanks anyways.