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Member Since 12 Jul 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2018 03:58 PM

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In Topic: Patch 3.3.4 Proposed Changelog

12 July 2018 - 03:41 PM

Hi everyone, I am very proud of the work done by the team for all these years, MO has become a real piece of art, the game is great as it is, but I have some suggestions after playing this game for too long:


Changes regarding this update:

-Blizzard Tank can no longer fire on the move: I get that blizzards can be a powerful AA vehicles, but this will make them weaker when chasing enemy high-speed air craft.
-Sniper price decreased from $700 to $650, firepower increased by 10%-20% depending on armor type: very good change.
-Flak Trooper price increased from $120 to $150: flak troopers need to be cheap for mass production to be efficient.
-Volkov super-EMP effect duration decreased from 40 to 30: nice cuz volkov is pretty OP.
-Nuclear Reactor build time increased by 25%: no need because most player don’t build power until they can build nuclear power plant.
-Dybbuk-Seizer will now apply a 60s long "rage" effect to each unit it captures: good cuz Dybbuk-Seizer are very optional because they are very micromanagement intensive which make no sense in late game.
- Archer price decreased from $220 to $200: 200$ very reasonable price.
- Seitaad Ballista and Godsbane no longer stun units when using their nanofiber thread weapon: seitaad is a stolen tech, so no need, like salamander you expect them to be overpowered.

Changes regarding the game in general:

  • Some units do not target enemies by default and they absolutely need to be change for them to become usable: cryocopter do not target enemies even after set to guard more, there is no reason for it not to target enemies in sight without moving. Same goes for Chrono prison, it works exactly like a Charon tank, so why it needs to be to set to guard mode before it auto target enemies, I think this one need to behaves exactly like Charon tank.
  • Charon tank target a enemie who is already frozen by an other Charon tank, which make them waist their precious attack on trivial target and can get easly countered by infantry sworms, Charon tank must not attack a target earldy frozen, although I don’t know how is it easy to implement this.
  • All faction need to have a way to heal infantry like the allies (good job for making a way for any faction to repair its vehicles).
  •  I love your design they are really good, except for the basilisk (although the soundtrack is great) I hope your change the design of the aircraft and make it beautiful like the salamander or make it flying disk too like the invader.
  • Dybbuk seizer are micromanagement intensive, also when they mind control a target they go so far ahead which make them vulnerable to AA and makes the process of controlling multiple enemies takes a long time, I hope you redesign it to mind control random targets like foxtrot, or at least make it less painful to maneuver.
  • All faction has repair drone or something that do the same job, except foehn, minermit also can repair vehicles but why set to guard mode they will go and search for gold instead of repairing, can you change this feature and make it like the other subfactions.
  • Syncronins and syncronaut are useless, I have watch so many MO videos, and no one seem to use them.
  • Foehn lack transport a part of garial.
  • Foehn lacks proper espionage (I get that clairvoyant is a designer choice, but this make them less playable in single mode, and it does not affect that much multiplayer).
  • Megalodons have great design but aren’t effective, human race deescovered the fact that guns and so much effective then swords, this is why no one uses sword, and neither should Megalodons, it makes them a sitting duck for enemy defenses.(you guys are very creative, I know you can make them more usefull except dashing in infantry to kill them).
  • Sharaday need more health, but proceed with caution, it can be easily become overpowered
  • Blast furnace is pretty useless, even the AI don’t build it, (I know changing this one can be hard because a lot of maps already use it, also it is not top priority because all foehn has some other minor super weapons like boid machine ).
  • Allies power is so weak, when you disable their power, they take too long to recover it, increase power generated by turbine or make instantaneous.

Lastly, there is a weird phenomenon happens when you kill a foehn enemy sometimes, they leave a neutral duplicant,  which start targeting all infantry in maps and becomes like an epidemic (I have save games for this), you can exploit this and make it a challenge, a challenge where neutral duplicant target infantry and neutral Chrono prison target vehicles and release them, it would be fun.

Sorry for long responds, I hope you read it all, and again, the game is great as it is, these changes may make it even better, I hope you guys respond to my proposal.