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Member Since 13 Jul 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 22 2018 08:16 PM

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In Topic: "Failed to join - game is a different version"

15 July 2018 - 02:31 AM

Thanks, but no luck. I used that guide and those files to install the games to the best of my ability. I'm going thru the t3a launcher, everything is running as administrator, the options.ini line is correct, I just get the same error. 

In Topic: [BFME2] T3A:Online Installation Support

13 July 2018 - 08:45 PM

Foe_Hammer was my old account I somehow logged into. This is my new account for revora and bfme online

In Topic: Come introduce yourself

13 July 2018 - 07:34 PM

Hello, BFME community! I've played these games off and on since they were released but NEVER played online PvP so I'm looking forward to the new challenge! 


Edit: after all of this I get online and try to join a game and it says: "failed to join - the game is a different version" Is this a gamedat issue or something like that? I'd really like to start playing online and this error really sucks

Got this error in ROTWK AND BFME2 1.09. So I'll try to reinstall, but if anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it