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Member Since 02 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2019 05:38 PM

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Zero Hour: Probleme connecting to other people online

20 August 2014 - 08:32 PM

Origin -Generals Zero Hour.

Windows 8.1

Static IPadress

Gentools 6.5


Hi I still have problems connecting to other people when I go online.(I havent played one game with more than 1 player)


I am playing as admin with Windows XP SP3, I have opend ports, I have changed my options.ini with some firewallsinformation . I deleted the gamespy line. I have turned off my firewall while trying to play.


this day i downloaded C&C TUC - Ficed Launchers Setup and I checked for updates for Generals Zero Hour.


I still can´t play!


My Options.ini is changed (located in programes/Origin Games/Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour.


My Options.ini:

AntiAliasing = 1

BuildingOcclusion = yes

CampaignDifficulty = 0

DynamicLOD = yes

EctraAnimations = yes

GameSpyIPAdress =

Gamma = 50

HeatEffects = yes

IPAdress =

IdealStaticGameLOD = Low

LanguageFilter = false

MaxParticleCount = 5000

MusicVolume = 70

Resolution = 1024 768

Retaliation = yes

SFX3DVolume = 70

ScrollFactor = 60

SendDelay = no

ShovSoftWaterEdge = yes

ShowTrees = yes

StaticGameLOD = Custom

TextureReduction = 0

UseAlternateMouse = yes

UseCloudMap = yes

UseDobleClickAttackMove = no

UseLightMapp = yes

SusShadowDecals = yes

UseShadowVolumes = yes

VoiceVolume = 70.


Please help!




Generals Zero Hour_problemes playing more that 1v1 games

08 August 2014 - 08:04 PM

My router:

Ports open: TTP: 80, 6667, 28910, 29920, 27900,

Ports open: UPL:27900, 4321, 432, 127, 900


Use extended security: YES

Static IP adress


I have Norton 360 (when I play I turn off dynamic firewall)


I have no probleme playing 1v1 but Ï can´t play 2v2 or 3v3 etc.


People in the cnc-online tell me that it is me that can´t connect. Now they know me so not many will try to let me in there game. I haven´t play any 2v2 or more. Only 1v1.


PLEASE HELP so I can play (I love the game)

Is there anyone else that cant login to ZH online

06 August 2014 - 08:52 PM

Generals Zero Hour.Ultimate Collection

GEN 6,5

Windows 8.1

Login to online issue


It is often that I can´t login to ZH online.


I can se that the server sometime is off-line. But when I have the luck to get in (yesteday about 10 minute) I could not play with other people and they said that they had same probleme.


I would like to know if there are a generel probleme or it is me. Yesterday I saw that other people postet issues like this in here.


I still have probleme playing 2v2 and more (other topic), but it is diffucult to find out what the probleme is when I cant login.


Can you tell me about problemes with the server. Can´t find any info on the webside or facebook.

Generals Zero Hour. Cant play whit more than one

03 August 2014 - 08:20 PM

game: General zero Hour, Ultimate Collection

system: Windows 8.1


I have tryed to play 2v2 and 3v3 and every time the it says "could not connect to other player(s)"


No probleme playing 1v1.


Anything to do?