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Member Since 04 Sep 2018
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2018 12:32 AM

Topics I've Started

Epic unit for the Allies?

09 September 2018 - 02:28 PM

Since the Soviets have the Centurion Siege Crawler, Epsilon have Irkalla, and Foehn have M.A.D.M.A.N as epic units, the Allies is the only faction that doesn’t have an epic unit. I know that the Allies have the Paradox Engine in the campaign but it’s an campaign only unit so it doesn’t count (I’m only counting epic units that can be build in skirmish and multiplayer). My question is do you think the Allies need an epic unit? Why they need it or don’t need it? And what kind of unit should it be and which subfaction should have if you think they should have it?

Note: this is an open discussion. I’m neither suggesting the Allies should have an epic unit nor suggesting they shouldn’t have an epic unit.

Can’t build ore purifier and experimantal warp shop

04 September 2018 - 12:39 PM

I am not able to build ore purifier, experimental warp shop, and any buildings/units on the same spot in the build menu since I installed Mental Omega 3.3.3 on my Windows 10 machine. When I click these buildings/units, nothing happens. It seems like they are not on the menu. This bug currently makes Foehn Revolt somewhat unplayable. Does anyone know what kind of bug is this and any possible fixes for it? Anything will be appropriate.