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Member Since 06 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 05 2006 04:56 PM

Topics I've Started

Where i can download Remix?

25 May 2006 - 01:49 PM

Is there any other place than file front to download remix?

I've tryied on filefront but its gives me this: Your download has failed. You have an invalid session set.

Wanna play the challenge mode on contra?

25 May 2006 - 12:59 PM

If you wanna play challenge mode on contra you have to have a Generals challenge start saved in your ZH
and you you wanna play it simply load the generals challenge start. Ex: load >> load game >>
Mission Start - Nuke General Challenge 2

But you don't start with the general you choosed before you have the contra mod installed thougt. Your general will be the same general youre fighting against. Ex: if in your challenge start you would fight against toxin general you are also toxin general.

But don't worry because in the next challenge you continue to be the same general (if you started vs toxin youre toxin) but now its vs a different general.

PS: Tao challenge map blocks there arenĀ“t any nuke or inferno cannons.