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Member Since 04 Nov 2018
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In Topic: Heroes mod applying modifiers only to single unit in squad?

04 November 2018 - 05:41 PM

hi gambit, thanks for your reaction


do you perhaps have a "newest" version of the scardoc?


i've searched high and low on google, but i've only found a scardoc thats from when dow 1 came out or all the scardocs from company of heroes


and ye the other points you make, i totally get that

already figured that if i get stuff working the way i want, i'd probably have to revamp the entire thing just to make it work more logically and less "bulky" as you say :p


-commander problem seems fixable, specially if i can somehow fetch id's per unit instead of per squad,

even if not, scardoc shows functions to get info about leader from a squad,

so even if i can't give the commander the modifiers while he is in the squad, it's possible to check if he's in a squad and when he leaves the squad, just check for a "new" squadid when he leaves again and reapply any modifiers.

-re-applying needs to be done yes.

-it actually isn't always the commander/leader weirdly enough, it would've been more logical yes, but i've seen a space marine squad with heavy bolters, where one heavy bolter would shoot before(/farther than) any other heavy bolters,

and ehm, warp spiders where it also wasn't always the leader that would be the fastest. in fact since i knew attaching commanders always was a problem i specifically never did that so far.

oh also seen a seer council, where one dude was almost unkillable, but the rest of his squad just died easily


as i said originally it just seems like all the modifiers that were added with mat_entity, only get applied to a single entity in the squad, which you know... kinda makes sense...


so ye if you by chance have a latest version of scardoc, that might help, i've seen a bunch of usefull functions in the coh scardocs, but i dunno if they exist in dow ss