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Member Since 12 Nov 2018
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2020 10:08 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Game Bugs

14 October 2019 - 10:47 PM

just a random suggestion , could u guys please fix the AI units get stuck between buildings ,bridges and narrow roads its really annoying and it causes the game to lag on any pc  hopefully in the new patch u will do something about it , thanks

In Topic: Custom map thread.

28 September 2019 - 06:18 PM

attachicon.gif Fallout Pack.rarI'm going to leave my map here and there might be a few bugs here so let me know if there's a bug or if it's too hard, if it is too hard also let me know what i can fix.


[Fallout Challenge]


You're fighting the whole Soviet Union hidden deep in Kashmir and the soviets are not gonna let you get a hold of this fortress so easily.



Player 1&2 get Tech Defenses and 2 Tech Nuclear Plants at the start of battle.

Players 1, 2, and 3 rush you during the whole battle.

Most enemy infantry and vehicles have a permanent eradication effect.

The enemies get Reznov and Krukov with a permanent eradication effect.

Volkov, Chitzkoi, Morales, and Yunru get a permanent eradication effect.

Cyborg Vanguards appear on the battlefield and also have a permanent eradication effect.

Cyborg Commando also appears in this battle and he also has a permanent eradication effect.

Apocalypse Tanks and Iron Dragons have a permanent eradication effect.

Wolfhounds, Vultures, Dragonfly's, and Qilin Tanks appear from off screen after a certain period of time.

Kirov's appear from off screen after a certain period of time.

All enemies have access to two Tactical Nuke Silo's after a certain period of time.

The Russians will have access to a Tesla Drop after a certain period of time, Tesla Cruisers are permanently under an eradication effect and cannot be mind controlled.

The Latin's will have access to a Catastrophe Drop after a certain period of time, Catastrophe Tanks are permanently under an eradication effect and cannot be mind controlled.

The Chinese will have access to a Nuwa Drop after a certain period of time, Nuwa Cannons are permanently under an eradication effect and cannot be mind controlled.

All enemies Infantry, Tanks, and Aircrafts are immune to radiation.

All enemies have uncapturable Tech Irradiators.

The enemies also have access to a very special vehicle that explodes upon death.

The Centurion explodes upon death.

All enemies can use Terror Drop.

The Latin and Chinese enemies can use Halftrack Drops.

The Russian enemy can use Tigr Drop.

For the music you have to get it yourself, i don't have enough space to put them on here on the 4MB limit.

And if you get past it can you send me a link to the video so i can see it please.


haven't tested it yet !! but i think u should have added an enemy  Death's hand reinforcement to complete the massacre 

In Topic: Custom map thread.

13 August 2019 - 09:11 PM

Dusk of the gods v0.8.21b 

chinese made 

total 9 missions 

size : 1.3 GB

Author : ChaleB


the expand and resources files will replace the original Mental omega files so creating a fresh copy is advised here 


i dont think there is an english version available only chinese




have fun

In Topic: Custom map thread.

10 May 2019 - 05:57 PM

foehn chinese fan mission Return to Kashmir by 你谢哥来了


difficulty : hard





In Topic: Custom map thread.

30 March 2019 - 05:17 PM

chinese made soviet fan mission 


this mission is an upgraded version of the original MO soviet mission road to nowhere


i haven't test this yet 


select soviet mission road to nowhere to play