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Member Since 15 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 11 2018 09:51 PM

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Hamachi - Virtual LAN to Contra

22 April 2006 - 11:29 AM

In hamachi you can play Contra or Remix with other peoples in LAN LOBBY, When you have logged in to hamachi
(It makes virtual Lan with other users) :shiftee:

-> Download Hamachi from http://www.hamachi.cc/download and install it...
-> The Hamachi wizard should start automatically and will guide you trough all basic functions of this neat software.
-> if you get a yellow dot ( which means some sort of nat problem ) go in the "preferences" menu and then in the "System" submenu. Tick the " Magic Option " and set a port: i.e. 12976
-> Go into your firewall setup and forward the port you just set ( 12976 ). this is an UDP port, so set it as UDP.

------> Come on to my Server In Hamachi <------ :
Name: Contra004
Password: contra
