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Member Since 29 Apr 2006
Offline Last Active May 06 2006 06:48 PM

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In Topic: MultiMod detection system

04 May 2006 - 12:06 AM

You will surely get it to work Thud! Thanks again for everyone.

Night Shift is much ready for release, I had nothing else to do on the mod (already made 41 custom loadscreens), so I jumped into scarcoding. As a result: All night maps will now fade in and display a random UCS message on the screen when the game launches. A script checks for human players, so this only happens in skirmish to prevent sync errors due to the random variable. It really sets the mood.

In Topic: MultiMod detection system

03 May 2006 - 08:13 PM

Wow! Thank you for that great news LarkinVB! Everything is already in place and now we know it works! Congratulations to the whole AI team!

In Topic: MultiMod detection system

03 May 2006 - 07:40 PM

I started coding Scar a few days ago and I stumbled across a function. It supposed to enable an ai component.
Cpu_EnableComponent( PlayerID player, Boolean enable, Integer ct )
I have no idea what an AI component is, but this seems like another communication channel between Map Scar and AI.

Example Usage from one of Relic's Missions:
Cpu_EnableComponent( g_Player3, false, CT_Attacking )

So CT_Attacking is an AI Component, that can be enabled/disabled. Can you guys relate to this?
Maybe a new dummy component can be created, that is enabled by the map, thus telling the AI about the night map.

In Topic: MultiMod detection system

30 April 2006 - 10:50 PM

Thud! Good news here. Finaldeath wrote up a scar file, that could be a possible solution. I've it sent to you in email, it declares a variable to each player on any night map. I hope this works out.

In Topic: MultiMod detection system

30 April 2006 - 01:25 AM

If you run the game first with another mod then exit. Then start the game using the Night_Shift's own shortcut "W40kWA.exe -modname night_shift" it won't switch in the local.ini file?

Yes! That is right. I experienced this same damn bug :(
If you run in dev mode, then it works every time.

Cpu_DoString() with map SCAR might be the solution.

I hope it will work out, seems good to me. I glanced at the thread, but this is out of my league.

Tell me Thud if I can do anything to help.