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Member Since 07 May 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 16 2017 09:49 PM

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In Topic: Elven moding

21 January 2007 - 09:59 PM

As a start for your question:

Did you find the the ranger toggle on the forum?

And for your barracks: Start by copying the Normal Elven Barracks and renaming it, and changing the commandset.

But do you wwant this to be for the elven or MotW?

In Topic: Elven moding

21 January 2007 - 05:35 PM

i haw to match edited

I don't understand? I have to match edited? You mean you to have to match the edited ini?

In Topic: Gondor knights Horse Shield

21 January 2007 - 05:33 PM

I don't see why it doesn't show up, I'll have a better look soon.

On lotr.str:

You can find it in the lang map and then opening English.big. Here are all the texts stored. Throughout INI.big you'll find references to the lotr.str. So things like this: CONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightHorseShield are what the game uses. So when it reads this, it searches for CONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightHorseShield in the lotr.str. But since it doesn't exist in there, it shows a 'Missing:CONTROLBAR:PurchaseTechnologyGondorKnightHorseShield'. So add this string to lotr.str like this:

"Purchase the Horse Shield Upgrade"

And it'll show Purchase the Horse Shield Upgrade ingame.

In Topic: Elven moding

21 January 2007 - 05:19 PM

It gives a crash on startup? Have you edited your files? Try putting back your original ini.

In Topic: Elven moding

21 January 2007 - 05:06 PM

I would suggest lookig at the tutorials on the main site, and try it yourself. If you get stuck, we'll be glad to help.