There seems to be a SCAR issue in the Imperial Guard stronghold that I've seen repeatedly across several playthroughs with the Bugfix mod, on hard difficulty. Just now I've encountered it when attacking as the Orks, with this being the third stronghold battle in this campaign.
So then. The issue is that as soon as I reach the bottom of the ramp leading up to the IG HQ, the endgame cutscene immediately triggers as soon as my commander is done saying his/her/its first line of dialogue. Looking through the SCAR file, this is what creates the HQ:
Entity_CreateBuildingMarker(g_Player2,"eg_IG_HQ", "guard_hq","mkr_NPC_HQ", 1) EGroup_ForceAddOn("eg_IG_HQ", "addon_guard_hq_2") EGroup_AddGroup("eg_IG_HQ_Destroy", "eg_IG_HQ")
Interestingly, this function is called twice during the mission. First at the start of the mission, then again when the player crosses the river. There is one check to create eg_IG_HQ_Destroy if it doesn't exist but other than that, there's no condition-checking whatsoever to see if all the stuff to be created exists already.
This is what triggers the end cutscene:
if EGroup_GetAvgHealth("eg_IG_HQ") < 0.05 then g_Win = true Rule_AddOneShot(Rule_Closing_NIS, 4) Rule_Remove(Rule_HQ_Health_Monitor) end
eg_IG_HQ definitely exists because its existence is what's causing the periodic sniper attacks on my commander. But the condition that checks its health prematurely returns true even if I'm nowhere near the thing, as soon as I approach the ramp (that's when the game starts periodically checking it). And this bug sometimes doesn't always manifest; I've seen this part of the mission play out properly from time to time, but I have no idea why.