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Member Since 15 May 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 28 2006 11:56 AM

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In Topic: help with modding

23 May 2006 - 02:43 PM

Gmax/RenX doesn't support .DDS textures, which might be why they don't show in gmax. Convert them to tga first, you can then see them in gmax and the game will use the .dds file of the same name. Usually you can just select an object and hit M to edit the texture settings applied to it.
The problem with the muzzle flash is the texture setting in gmax/renx. You need to change blend mode to Add in the Shader tab.
Make sure your muzzle bones are linked to the correct turrets before exporting, if that fails link them to the muzzlefx.

@ Kexy, the nuke blast has an entry in the ParticleSystem.ini file, don't remember where that is offhand, but I looked at it over the weekend and, well, I haven't figured it out. You've got RGB and Alpha values for the particles but I'm not sure what the rest of the code is for. There's also an FXList.ini with entries in there too. I can't be of much more help than that untill I can figure it out myself though...

Thanks alot it seems a bit hard for me but if you find anything else out and if you get time let me know ok

thanks kexy xxxx :p

In Topic: help with modding

19 May 2006 - 01:44 PM

erm... ah... That would be particle effects stuff... in other words I have no idea...

Ok, to rephrase:
Any problems on the 3D modelling or animating front, just ask! :p

EDIT= thinking about it I know someone who would know. I'll see if I can contact him and get back to you on this...

LOL It seems like av got you running all round sweety LOL

Lots of Thanks Kexy xxx :rolleyes:

In Topic: help with modding

17 May 2006 - 09:34 AM

No probs :p

Any problems, just ask.

LOL ok sweety you said ask so can you tell me how to change the way the blast looks of chinas Nuclear Missile ???

Thanks Kexy xx :p

In Topic: help with modding

16 May 2006 - 08:41 AM

It's pretty simple.
First grab gmax and Westwood's RenX pack, links can be found here: http://forums.revora...showtopic=15832

Then head here and follow the tutorial. :lol:
Everything you need to start making your own tanks and getting them into the game :lol:

Thanks sweety xx :dry: