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Member Since 19 May 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2012 03:11 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: To All British People!

29 February 2012 - 12:04 AM

I'd be game if it would help you, I know the dread of trying to find participants for things you need!

In Topic: Bug Reporting for Version 0.90

07 October 2011 - 02:33 PM

Yeah, I'm 99% sure they've all been changed Creator since the last time you played.

In Topic: London/UK riots

18 August 2011 - 10:12 AM

It brought a smile on my face when I saw 2 blokes get locked away for 4 years each because they had attempted to organise riots on facebook. They organised the time and place and were going 'Smash Down in Northwich Town’ with planned looting and rioting. They deserve what ever comes their way in prison.

As a society, we have no time for any sort of attempt to create anarchy. No time for civil unrest. It creates tensions, anguish and fear. People do as their fucking told. You don't go and take things which don't belong to you. Some of the looters caught on video claimed "We're getting our taxes back!" (which they don't even pay..). They thought it was their god given right to take what didn't belong to them because they felt it was owed to them.

For once, we should have taken a leaf out of the States book. As soon as any sort of riots started, declare a state of emergency in that area and armed police/army (Police preferably, as the Army would undermine the Police authority) should be brought in. Issue a warning out to the would be looters and rioters that they have 1 hour to clear the street. After that, we're incapacitating and arresting anyone involved. If there is any hostility directed towards the Police with risk of injury, or any risk of severe damage to buildings and houses (i.e. Fire-bombs) then we're shooting to kill.

They'll soon scarper pretty sharpish.

In Topic: LAN Abort after one hour

27 July 2011 - 02:15 PM

The 'You've been boned' message is our way of informing you that EA's shit coding and work on Zero Hour has caused a mismatch and the game is out of sync with both computers. (Rather than the original message saying 'A mismatch has been detected')

Mismatches used to happen frequently in Vanilla. It's an original problem.

It might happen a bit more in Remix because there are places for mismatches to occur; i.e particles, FX etc.

Happening exactly after 1 hour; hmmm Pendaelose might have more of an answer!

I've had LAN games over Hamachi over an hour long before. I'll try with the new version

In Topic: Remix Escalation Suggestion

26 July 2011 - 08:09 PM

It's settled then, it stays the same!