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Member Since 13 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2008 07:37 AM

Topics I've Started

I fixed the AI spell purchasing scripts

23 July 2006 - 09:47 AM

As part of my bugfix/balance mod, I looked at the scripts which determine how the AI purchases spells and noticed that quite a few of them are pretty broken. This results in things like the Mordor hard/brutal AI almost never purchasing more than a couple of spells.
So here is the .map file that enables all hard/brutal AI´s to purchase all spells. If you are making a mod which switches the spellpowers around, you will probably have to edit it to make the AI purchase spells correctly.

Edit: I found a couple more errors in the scripts, mainly Isengard trying to purchase normal taint instead of isentaint and an error in an elven script. I should also mention that I changed the scripts for dwarves, so that they purchase more useful spells first.

Thought it might be helpful to include in your mods.

If you are interested in the complete version of my mod, go here:

strange the forum seems to turn game replays.org if typed together into google.com.

Anyway the correct link is this one: gamereplays link

or here:


need some help regarding ini initialising

15 June 2006 - 04:54 PM

So my balance/bugfix polish mod is finished, but I seem to be unable to make it a convenient install.

I modded a lot of files in ini.big, the lotr.str in patch1.03.big and music_musicscripts_single.map in libraries.big.

Everything is working fine in my modded bfme2 folder, where I extracted the original .big files and renamed them afterwards to .bac .
Getting the modded ini.big to work in a vanilla bfme2 install is no problem, I just name it abcini.big and it takes precedence over the ini.big file that is already there.

However I have found no way to get the Lotr.str and the musicscripts.map to work without replacing the original. big files where they come from. That´s not very practical for people who just want to play my mod, so is there a way to give my modified files priority over the existing ones without removing them?

I can´t use the -mod command, because I made a lot of changes in gamedata.ini and I don´t really want to track down all those numbers in the object files.

question regarding music

13 June 2006 - 01:48 PM


I´m currently working on a mod that balances and polishes the game by removing bugs, adding some more salute sounds etc. I am mostly finished, but there is one thing that I want to add:

I want to make it so that specific music files start playing when specific events happen.
For example the summon rohirrim spell or theoden´s glorious charge should trigger a rohan theme. Ent summon a last march of the ents theme; fuel the fires an industry theme etc.

Getting the music to start is easy, I just used initiate sound= "name of musictrack" in the ocl.ini . However this locks the music in the rohan theme and it gets kinda old if it repeats itself again and again until the end of the mission. In addition it doesn´t get cancelled when a new musicfile starts playing.
I want to make it so that the music returns to normal once the track finishes and that the track can get overriden if a new music trigger starts.

There is already one similar thing in the game, where the music changes when you destroy 5 enemy buildings, the EA people used a fake Eva event to do this. However I don´t understand what actually triggers the music there.

Any help is appreciated.