This might sound strange, so early in the production, but is there an estimated release date (if not give it your best guess) because just looking around and reading makes me want this mod SOOO bad.
and dyslexia is no joke.....well it could be
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Member Since 16 Jun 2006Offline Last Active Jun 23 2006 06:58 PM
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In Topic: Only War 2 Recruitment Thread
18 June 2006 - 04:18 AM
In Topic: Tyranids -(suggestion)-
16 June 2006 - 04:52 PM
Yes but please help me understand how the nids can be pirates. they go to a planet, absorb any and all life, and then leave the barren uninhabited planet. doesnt sound like a pirate to me.
the orks on the other hand, they are the perfect pirate race. thats all they do is steal. fyi if you dont include the ability to steal a tank or vehicle i will be very dissapointed.
the orks on the other hand, they are the perfect pirate race. thats all they do is steal. fyi if you dont include the ability to steal a tank or vehicle i will be very dissapointed.
In Topic: Tyranids -(suggestion)-
16 June 2006 - 04:34 PM
yeah but how in depth are you going to do the nids?
are you going to make them a playable race or just a "pirate race"
I definatly think they should be a playable race
-|show me some renders please|- lol
are you going to make them a playable race or just a "pirate race"
I definatly think they should be a playable race
-|show me some renders please|- lol
In Topic: Necrons
16 June 2006 - 05:02 AM
The necrons dont have any fighters in the warhammer 40k world anyway.
Make the smallest ship the fastest and make it the "basic" unit. If necrons are encountered in space battles they should almost all have a sort of "tractor beam" except when it drags them in it starts destroying the ship from the inside, like the ship just starts losing health out of nowhere.
you have all of the necron ships, so make the dirge the first choice, make the jackal the second, shroud the third, scythe the fourth and cairn the "star destroyer" type ship. i dont really think there will be any need to waste good necron soldiers by putting them inside weak wimpy little fighters.
Make the smallest ship the fastest and make it the "basic" unit. If necrons are encountered in space battles they should almost all have a sort of "tractor beam" except when it drags them in it starts destroying the ship from the inside, like the ship just starts losing health out of nowhere.
you have all of the necron ships, so make the dirge the first choice, make the jackal the second, shroud the third, scythe the fourth and cairn the "star destroyer" type ship. i dont really think there will be any need to waste good necron soldiers by putting them inside weak wimpy little fighters.
In Topic: tau?
16 June 2006 - 04:46 AM
I LOVE THE TAU!!!!!!!!
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