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Naplam in my Hand

Member Since 21 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2006 05:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Did we die?

13 December 2006 - 05:29 AM

long time no see, but it took a long time to remember my password :blink:

This mod is not dead! thats like saying rock and roll is dead! impossible

In Topic: Contest

31 July 2006 - 05:32 AM

well, yeah, hes stoned.

also i wont be able to buy a scanner in time for the contest so i have to fold.

(i did the other picture on a rented one from my friend but its broke.

In Topic: Contest

30 July 2006 - 04:46 PM

sorry double posted

yes he can do other things, like pop things into existance like aniamals

,-._,-. ***** (\ /)
(_o_)******|> <|

and sometimes huge megaliths like buildings and big artwork, causing his enemys (like good grammer) to be smashed or run into onof these walls or such.

also i am not stoned, i was boprn with two different colored eyes. one green and one blue. i added the tiny pupil for efect. (yes i can see perfectly well.)

In Topic: Contest

30 July 2006 - 08:42 AM

this is sorta wierd okay...

i call him 13375p34k man. he only speaks 13375p34k and i dont have a picute yet because i haventy baught a scanner yet but here is something else to tide you over. its not 13375p34k man, but its a characher...chara... DAMIT! a picture of me and my bud. (i am the one on the right)

Attached File  trailer.bmp   1019.27KB   105 downloads

In Topic: Contest

13 July 2006 - 03:05 PM

Does a rocket launcher count as munition based weaponry?

yep, a rocket isbasiclly a oversized bullet!