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Member Since 28 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 05 2006 11:00 PM

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In Topic: Unit/Weapon suggestion

04 August 2006 - 06:33 AM

Exo suits and power armor could actually be in gave like previously state due to technology thats being developed to help soldiers carry their gear, but we should make it realistic like the real thing, CNC 3 has dibs on suits like that, so we should make ours more modern time not sci-fi ish. Wish Vanguard would come on here because id like to talk with him about some good ideas that are previously stated in this post, oh and btw sry for being out for awhile but RL ais starting back up, damn school and all well guys post back later.

In Topic: Unit/Weapon suggestion

23 July 2006 - 04:01 PM

T 34's were the greateset tanks in their day, proved their worth in battle of kursk and invasion of berlin.
As for Releastic measure the only game ive seen that had that with good playbility was Act of War, even though some part of the CNC community hates it i thought it was down right great. Espically the new artillery system, the MLRS can basically shoot really far now, almost full map on small maps,Unrealistic? Hell no it loses acreccey the farther it fires.and yes i know i spelt it wrong, soldier on that game are usful in their own way but can be killed easily by a tank. The new mercenary system is cool....HEY wait a min theirs an idea. MERCENARIES! Why not put a merc tech build on maps of Project Raptor, i mean it would be a good idea, mercenaries are a big part in wars of today, and yes U.S. hire them they just keep low about it. Just need suggestions on what mercs we could have avalible.

In Topic: Unit/Weapon suggestion

22 July 2006 - 03:59 AM

Good ideas everyone keep em comming, my story for the Milita would be maybe between the lines of Generals and maybe even a piece of Ace Combat 4/5/or Zero history,maybe a disaster happened cause and uprising on nations that US were occupying to take back there homes and lifes, of course not like GLA they don't do it for religious views but views of them back at home doing the things they used to do before it all hit the fan after the Generals War.Maybe set 5 years after, which could give a reason why more technology was developed for all the sides.

In Topic: Unit/Weapon suggestion

18 July 2006 - 05:58 PM

Hmm well idk Vanguard does want a super weapon for it so right now who knows how the milita general will be done. I think since the milita is well a milita unit they should kinda be like the GLA but then again not the GLA, the reason is because well if anyone and i think some of you have play Operation Flashpoint the milita in the 1st, Red Hammer, and even Resistance used gurellia warfare not large numbers or out right attacks, they should be able to do camo attacks and should be able to steal tanks and enemy technology and stuff to future their cause what ever it may be. I right now am thinking of a story to go with the Milita faction just haven't hit it on the head yet but ill post in some time soon and see what you think of it.

In Topic: Unit/Weapon suggestion

16 July 2006 - 03:50 PM

Nice thinking Delta, idk how that would work but it would be intresting to see.

On on that note of speakers, its a moral and mental type of weapon the US have used against terriorts/iraqs/ect. Loud speakers have also been use by the police force before also idk if it was in the US but thhey have. The weapon could as you said turn the infintry away and it could demoralize them by making them walk slower,and also when their walking away the forget everything around them such as a tank of the enemies could roll right next to him and point its gun at him and he still wouldnt care. Basicallt this weapon is like the Hawk Strike from Battle for Dune, but not a super weapon and it wont make troops run off that map or if you want it could,or give it an effect time limit so some might run off map while others will stop and be like WTF?! lol

Good job guys with the suggestions keep em comming and dont be afraid to try some, but make the ideas alittle logical such as concepts would do and future weapons that could be possible.
Also on that note i know the Falken and Morgan aren't that logical in manner but hey they were great Aircraft in Ace Combat Belken Wars i had to suggest it lol.