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Member Since 07 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active Apr 08 2019 06:35 AM

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In Topic: MO3.3 SUPPORT // Game or Client Crashes & Launch Issues Megathread

07 April 2019 - 07:33 PM

Hello! I am having some problem with "Fatal Error!" after started campaign and skirmish missions.

It said "Yuri's revenge has encounter fatal error!, Would you like to create a full  crash report for the Developer?"

debug.log :

Initialized Ares version: 18.257.1409
Ares requires a CPU with SSE support. Available.
Set Process Affinity: 1l (1)
Optimizing list of CD drives for NoCD mode.
Checking available disk space
Using GetDiskFreeSpaceEx
Free disk space is 160573 Mb
Init Encryption Keys.
Init_Keys - declarations
Init_Keys - Load
Init_Keys - Init fast key
Language: US
Focus_Restore(): _MouseCaptured = false
Focus gained
Prep direct draw.
DSurface::AllowStretchBlits = true
DSurface::AllowHWFill = true
DSurface::Create_Primary - Creating surface
CreateSurface OK
DSurface::Create_Primary done
Allocating new surfaces
CompositeSurface (1112x720) SYSTEM MEMORY ENABLE_3D
TileSurface (1112x720) SYSTEM MEMORY ENABLE_3D
SidebarSurface (168x720) SYSTEM MEMORY
HiddenSurface (1280x720) SYSTEM MEMORY
AlternateSurface (1280x720) SYSTEM MEMORY
Profile: CPU:1 (3696Mhz Pentium Pro)
Profile: RAM:10 (2048Mb)
Profile: VRAM:3 (0Mb)
Profile: VRAM speed:5 (0 blits per second)
Overall performance profile = 1
Init Game
event mempool size = 192000
Init Mouse
Calling Force_CD_Available
Init Secondary Mixfiles..... CONQMD.MIX CONQUER.MIX CAMEOMD.MIX CAMEO.MIX mapsmo03.mixMULTIMO.MIX     Initializing ThemesMD.MIX
 THEME.MIX movmo03.mix ...OK
Init Campaigns
Init Heaps
Init Threads
Reading Game Settings
--------- Loading SUN.INI settings ---------------
GameSpeed = 1
Difficulty = 2
CampDifficulty = 0
ScrollMethod = 0
ScrollRate = 3
AutoScroll is ON
DetailLevel = 2
SideBar on RIGHT
Sidebar Text is ON
ActionLines are ON
ShowHidden is ON
ToolTips are ON
Resolution = 1280 X 720
StretchMovies is OFF
AllowHiRes is OFF
SoundVolume = 0.100000
VoiceVolume = 0.100000
ScoreVolume = 0.100000
ScoreRepeat is OFF
ScoreShuffle is OFF
Emulated sound card latency default = 9
--------- Loading Ares global settings -----------
[Developer error]Unrecognized UI action value: show
[Developer error]Unrecognized UI action value: show
QuickExit is ON
AllowMultiEngineer is OFF
CampaignList is ON
ShowDebugCampaigns is OFF
Color count is 13
Mod is Mental Omega (3.3.4) with 94CCF84A
--------- Complete -------------------------------
Init Anim System
Init Color Remap Tables
Creating TacticalMap
Init Bulk Data
Deleting ZBuffer
Allocating ZBuffer (1112x688)
Deleting ABuffer
Allocating ABuffer (1112x688)
MessageListClass::Init(Width: 1098)
Checking available disk space
Using GetDiskFreeSpaceEx
Free disk space is 160573 Mb
Session one time init. UniqueID is 0127d660
Init Rules
[Developer warning]BuildingType CAPALACE02 has a custom foundation which does not include cell 0,0. This breaks AI base building.
Init random number
Seed is 0084be7b
Init Commands
Game Init Completed.
ExceptionReturnStack = 0019D474
ExceptionReturnAddress = 0048CDA8
Init random number
Seed is 0084be7b
WinsockInterface constructed
WinsockInterface init.
About to call WSAStartup
Winsock initialised OK
Winsock version is 1.1
Found protocol Vmbus, max frame size is 0
Found protocol UDP/IP, max frame size is 65527
Found protocol UDP/IP, max frame size is 65527
Found protocol afunix, max frame size is 0
Found protocol UDP/IP, max frame size is 65527
Found protocol UDP/IPv6, max frame size is 65527
About to open primary UDP socket
About to bind the UDP socket to port 0
Socket option SO_RCVBUF set OK
Socket option SO_SNDBUF set OK
Primary UDP Socket init complete
IPX Manager: RetryDelta = 60
MaxAhead is 15
**** IPXManagerClass::Init ***
About to open primary UDP socket
About to bind the UDP socket to port 1234
Socket option SO_RCVBUF set OK
Socket option SO_SNDBUF set OK
Primary UDP Socket init complete
About to query the host name
About to call gethostbyname
gethostbyname failed! Error code 11001
Exception handler fired!
Exception C0000005 at 007B353E

except.txt :

Internal Error encountered!
Ares version: 18.257.1409
Exception code: C0000005 at 007B353E
EIP: 007B353E	ESP: 0019D2E4	EBP: 0019D44C
EAX: 00000000	EBX: 00000000	ECX: 83ED405F
EDX: 00000000	ESI: 00000000	EDI: 19B80F30

Stack dump:
0019D2E4: 00000001
0019D2E8: 00001388
0019D2EC: 0048B1E4
0019D2F0: 00000040
0019D2F4: 10526010
0019D2F8: 00000000
0019D2FC: 00000000
0019D300: 0048BEC2
0019D304: 00000020
0019D308: 3F62694B
0019D30C: 00000100
0019D310: 0000000C
0019D314: 105F6640
0019D318: 00000300
0019D31C: 00000000
0019D320: 00000000
0019D324: 00000000
0019D328: 0019D334
0019D32C: 007CDA69
0019D330: 00B78268
0019D334: 00000000
0019D338: 007C9492
0019D33C: 00000009
0019D340: 0E8AEC64
0019D344: 00000009
0019D348: 00000040
0019D34C: 10526010
0019D350: 007C9452
0019D354: 00000300
0019D358: 007C8E22
0019D35C: 00000300
0019D360: 00000001
0019D364: 0053FB09
0019D368: 00000300
0019D36C: 0053FB25
0019D370: 00000001
0019D374: 00A8E9C0
0019D378: 0019D44C
0019D37C: 00000000
0019D380: 00540C18
0019D384: 00000000
0019D388: 0053F56B
0019D38C: 00001388
0019D390: 00A8E9C0
0019D394: 00540C33
0019D398: 1A8FDDD0
0019D39C: 00000000
0019D3A0: 005DA6CD
0019D3A4: 31B6DE1A
0019D3A8: 00000000
0019D3AC: 00000000
0019D3B0: 6BBC2D51
0019D3B4: 6BBC926A
0019D3B8: 31B6DE1A
0019D3BC: 00000002
0019D3C0: 00000001
0019D3C4: 00000020
0019D3C8: 541D4199
0019D3CC: 00C64318
0019D3D0: 0019D40C
0019D3D4: 541D107A
0019D3D8: 00C642F8
0019D3DC: 2E302E30
0019D3E0: 00302E30
0019D3E4: 00000001
0019D3E8: 07DD2100
0019D3EC: 00000000
0019D3F0: 00000000
0019D3F4: 0019D3E0
0019D3F8: 00000004
0019D3FC: 0019FED4
0019D400: 541C5430
0019D404: CAE71984
0019D408: FFFFFFFE
0019D40C: 541D106D
0019D410: 541AE94E
0019D414: 00C642F8
0019D418: 00000004
0019D41C: 00000000
0019D420: 00C642F8
0019D424: 0081D53C
0019D428: 00000000
0019D42C: 0019D468
0019D430: 00FF000D
0019D434: 0019D438
0019D438: 72730000
0019D43C: 000004D2
0019D440: FFFFFFFF
0019D444: 07DD2100
0019D448: 0019F0A4
0019D44C: 0019D46C
0019D450: 6BBC254B
0019D454: 0048CDA8
0019D458: 0019D474
0019D45C: 0048CDA8
0019D460: 0048CDCA
0019D464: 0081D53C
0019D468: 0048CDA8
0019D46C: 0019F0A4
0019D470: 0048CDD8
0019D474: 07DD2100
0019D478: 00000000
0019D47C: 00000000
0019D480: 00000000
0019D484: 00000000
0019D488: 00000000
0019D48C: 00000000
0019D490: 00000000
0019D494: 00000000
0019D498: 00000000
0019D49C: 00000000
0019D4A0: 00000000
0019D4A4: 00000000
0019D4A8: 00000000
0019D4AC: 00000000
0019D4B0: 00000000
0019D4B4: 00000000
0019D4B8: 00000000
0019D4BC: 00000000
0019D4C0: 00000000
0019D4C4: 00000000
0019D4C8: 00000000
0019D4CC: 00000000
0019D4D0: 00000000
0019D4D4: 00000000
0019D4D8: 00000000
0019D4DC: 00000000
0019D4E0: 00000000
0019D4E4: 00000000
0019D4E8: 00000000
0019D4EC: 00000000
0019D4F0: 00000000
0019D4F4: 00000000
0019D4F8: 00000000
0019D4FC: 00000000
0019D500: 00000000
0019D504: 00000000
0019D508: 00000000
0019D50C: 00000000
0019D510: 00000000
0019D514: 00000000
0019D518: 00000000
0019D51C: 00000000
0019D520: 00000000
0019D524: 00000000
0019D528: 00000000
0019D52C: 00000000
0019D530: 00000000
0019D534: 00000000
0019D538: 00000000
0019D53C: 00000000
0019D540: 00000000
0019D544: 00000000
0019D548: 00000000
0019D54C: 00000000
0019D550: 00000000
0019D554: 00000000
0019D558: 00000000
0019D55C: 00000000
0019D560: 00000000
0019D564: 00000000
0019D568: 00000000
0019D56C: 00000000
0019D570: 00000000
0019D574: 00000000
0019D578: 00000000
0019D57C: 00000000
0019D580: 00000000
0019D584: 00000000
0019D588: 00000000
0019D58C: 00000000
0019D590: 00000000
0019D594: 00000000
0019D598: 00000000
0019D59C: 00000000
0019D5A0: 00000000
0019D5A4: 00000000
0019D5A8: 00000000
0019D5AC: 00000000
0019D5B0: 00000000
0019D5B4: 00000000
0019D5B8: 00000000
0019D5BC: 00000000
0019D5C0: 00000000
0019D5C4: 00000000
0019D5C8: 00000000
0019D5CC: 00000000
0019D5D0: 00000000
0019D5D4: 00000000
0019D5D8: 00000000
0019D5DC: 00000000
0019D5E0: 00000000
0019D5E4: 00000000
0019D5E8: 00000000
0019D5EC: 00000000
0019D5F0: 00000000
0019D5F4: 00000000
0019D5F8: 00000000
0019D5FC: 00000000
0019D600: 00000000
0019D604: 00000000
0019D608: 00000000
0019D60C: 00000000
0019D610: 00000000
0019D614: 00000000
0019D618: 00000000
0019D61C: 00000000
0019D620: 00000000
0019D624: 00000000
0019D628: 00000000
0019D62C: 00000000
0019D630: 00000000
0019D634: 00000000
0019D638: 00000000
0019D63C: 00000000
0019D640: 00000000
0019D644: 00000000
0019D648: 00000000
0019D64C: 00000000
0019D650: 00000000
0019D654: 00000000
0019D658: 00000000
0019D65C: 00000000
0019D660: 00000000
0019D664: 00000000
0019D668: 00000000
0019D66C: 00000000
0019D670: 00000000
0019D674: 00000000
0019D678: 00000000
0019D67C: 00000000
0019D680: 00000000
0019D684: 00000000
0019D688: 00000000
0019D68C: 00000000
0019D690: 00000000
0019D694: 00000000
0019D698: 00000000
0019D69C: 00000000
0019D6A0: 00000000
0019D6A4: 00000000
0019D6A8: 00000000
0019D6AC: 00000000
0019D6B0: 00000000
0019D6B4: 00000000
0019D6B8: 00000000
0019D6BC: 00000000
0019D6C0: 00000000
0019D6C4: 00000000
0019D6C8: 00000000
0019D6CC: 00000000
0019D6D0: 00000000
0019D6D4: 00000000
0019D6D8: 00000000
0019D6DC: 00000000
0019D6E0: 00000000