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Member Since 12 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2024 07:30 PM

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Kanes Wrath crashed with 2 errors

11 May 2019 - 08:52 PM

Hello from Germany,


Kanes Wrath first crashed with this error:



After deactivating the antivirus-programm, it crashed again:



I use the normal version from Tiberium Wars + Kanes Wrath with patch 1.02. The game crashes without any recognizable sign.


It's possible to log in to the lobby and join to any game or creating a own game. Sometimes nothing happened and everything is fine

but sometimes it crashed after a few seconds or after 20 min. It doesn't matter if I choose a official map or a created map.

The problem doesn't appeared yet in the single player. My operating system is Windows10 and nothing chanced with the system settings the last days :-(


With your description I found the CnCOnlineLog, but the file is empty! Therefore it's not possible to upload the txt-file.



I hope this error message is good enough to understand because I'm not good at languages.





//Edit: Sorry for double posting, can't find the delete button

Kanes Wrath crashed with 2 errors

11 May 2019 - 08:51 PM

Hello from Germany,


Kanes Wrath first crashed with this error:



After deactivating the antivirus-programm, it crashed again:



I use the normal version from Tiberium Wars + Kanes Wrath with patch 1.02. The game crashes without any recognizable sign.


It's possible to log in to the lobby and join to any game or creating a own game. Sometimes nothing happened and everything is fine

but sometimes it crashed after a few seconds or after 20 min. It doesn't matter if I choose a official map or a created map.

The problem doesn't appeared yet in the single player. My operating system is Windows10 and nothing chanced with the system settings the last days :-(


With your description I found the CnCOnlineLog, but the file is empty! Therefore it's not possible to upload the txt-file.



I hope this error message is good enough to understand because I'm not good at languages.


