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Raffe Karim

Member Since 20 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2023 07:11 AM

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In Topic: Constant FPS drop with Gentool in game lobby, skirmish lobby, settings lobby

05 April 2015 - 09:22 AM

You can try to install "Bibbers fixed launchers" to run the game in windowed mode through Origin. By the looks of your hardware there should not be any reason for lag. It will be interesting to hear if window mode resolves it.



Ok, now I have tried with Bibbers Fixed Launchers and run the game through that and even there it laggs in those areas where I've mentioned earlier. Despite no reason to lagg it still does. There is now static background but when I go into the game lobby the FPS drop falls down to 8-9 and then back up to 32 fps and then back down every 1-2 seconds...

In Topic: Constant FPS drop with Gentool in game lobby, skirmish lobby, settings lobby

04 April 2015 - 06:51 PM

Ok, I have made the DXdiag as you asked. 


I tried to make it run in Windows mode, but it didn't work. I'm running Generals through Origin without the CNC launcher, I have only gentools. I have tried changing it in properties, but I am unable to make any differences.

In Topic: Constant FPS drop with Gentool in game lobby, skirmish lobby, settings lobby

04 April 2015 - 03:00 PM

Hello, can you upload a dxdiag? And do you run windowed or fullscreen?



Can you explain how I should upload a dxdiag? I don't exactly know how.


I run the game fullscreen.

In Topic: CnC Zero Hour (Could not connect to ZH online)

21 September 2014 - 08:11 PM

Good idea but this is writed in the common issues thread with different words, but maybe not clear enough has it include different solution in one.


- I bought the games on Origin and the C&C:Online launcher keeps saying the installation cannot be found. Or: You can not login.

Solution 1: To use the launcher with Origin games, run it as administrator.

Solution 2 (Generals & ZeroHour):

1) Install the C&C Online launcher
2) Install both Generals & Zero Hour via Origin (or via retail disc, remember to patch both games)
3) Install the fixed launchers (applicable only if you have the Ultimate Collection via Origin) DOWNLOAD
4) Install GenTool (can be installed if you have Origin versions / retail versions)
5) Run the C&C Online launcher, click on the "Hook" menu and select Generals & ZH
6) Launch Generals/Zero Hour via Origin / desktop shortcut 
7) Enabling the hook option in step 5 should now trigger the C&C Online launcher to open
8) Pick the game you want to play
9) Play!

Solution 3 (C&C3 & RA3): Go into Origin, click the game (in this case either C&C3 or RA3), click the "i" button to the left of "play", click "Game Properties" and check the box "Disable Origin in game for this game" and then launch RA3 or C&C3 via the normal C&C:Online method.


I will talk with mathijs to edit the common issue post for people that use only gentool without the c&conline launcher








I did exactly as you said, but when I try to update to 1.04 on zero hour, I get this: "missing or invalid registry ini entry" 


And I still get the message: No installation found :( 


Any more help, I also run on ORIGIN