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Member Since 21 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active Oct 14 2014 10:08 AM

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In Topic: Cannot Connect to Generals ZH Online

14 October 2014 - 10:09 AM

So I disabled the hamachi windows adapter and now it seems to connect! Thanks!

In Topic: Cannot Connect to Generals ZH Online

08 October 2014 - 10:51 AM

I'm using this password 771863533e.png I'm guessing thats the CNC online one lol?. And even if I enter password wrong it tells me, its just not connecting when I hit connect.

In Topic: Cannot Connect to Generals ZH Online

06 October 2014 - 11:40 AM

Did you enter the Revora password?

Yea I did, although I havn't tried changing my revora password to test it out. Will get back to you.

In Topic: Cannot Connect to Generals ZH Online

06 October 2014 - 10:47 AM

@the incorrect password error - that means you are using your Revora forum password instead of your C&C:Online password. Also, you need to unhook Gen/ZH from the launcher to make GenTool's alternative work right.

And yes, constantly linking people to the pinned threads is the solution because 99% of all issues is covered there, yet many people say they read everything when they didn't. If one can't give full info on what one's problem is and what one tried, we cannot and will not come to assist, as we don't want to waste time on people who aren't willing to do even minimal effort to fix their own problem.

True, sorry just wanna play already. Had already uninstalled the launcher and the incorrect password was only to test if its connecting at all. I get the error that it cant connect after entering the right password.

In Topic: Cannot Connect to Generals ZH Online

05 October 2014 - 11:19 PM

  1. Tried different nicknames
  2. Was using it through the cnc online launcher, switched to gentool. Same thing.
  3. I get incorrect password error if the password is wrong, so it must be connecting to your servers.
  4. Run as admin
  5. Yes I use the 1.04 patch
  6. Firewall is off (temporarily)

Telling us to read the solutions thread over and over is not a solution, none of those issues are our issue (atleast its not mine).
