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Athrun Zala 02

Member Since 22 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 13 2006 06:34 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: World War III

12 October 2006 - 10:38 AM

Can you make new sides and country besides Russia, USA, China and Arabic Coalition?The 1st sides is Allies.Its leader is USA.The allies members are USA,Britain,France,Israel,Serbia,Yugoslovinia,and others.The 2nd sides is OIC or Organization of the Islamic Conference.Its leader are Malaysia.The OIC members are Malaysia,Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Lubnan,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Brunei Darrussalam,Indonesia,Syria,Iran and others Muslim country and its Observer States like Russia.The 3rd sides is Communist nation like China,North Korea,Mongolia,Cuba and others communist nation.The 4th sides is GLA or Global Liberation Army.The 5th sides is UN or United Nations.The United Nation should have weapons from all sides.Can you make it?

In Topic: Naval Force

09 October 2006 - 01:58 PM

Hello stack111.Do you have play a C&C Generals Zero Hour named Energy mod?In the mod,the naval vessel like missile cruiser can move at the water.The mod also have attack submarine.

In Topic: Naval Force

16 August 2006 - 10:16 AM

Yes,I know you will add naval force in version 1.5.What I meant is if you add naval force in version 1.5,can you make ithe two types of aircraft carriers?That what I mean.

In Topic: Naval Force

15 August 2006 - 12:38 PM

Can you make two types of aircraft carriers?The first type is carries jet fighterbomber like F/A-18Superhornet,F-35JSF,F-22 Raptor or others jet fighterbomber.The second aircraft carrier type is 2 times larger than the aircraft carrier that carrier jet fighterbomber and its carries bomber jet like B-52 Stratofortress and B-2 Bomber.Can you make it?

In Topic: Add new sides

09 August 2006 - 06:59 AM

Or can you add this side and nations in your next modifications or make new mods called World Conflict:World War 3.Each nation have at least 4 generals.The general is Airforce General,Naval/Marine General,Army General and Superweapon Generals.The terrorist general are tactical general,strategy general and army general or other general.