The best anti-flame units are catapults with skulls, then a siege tower. Literally. What you do is move three or four Orc hordes mid-range from the archers, then come in from the side with a Siege Tower set to 'walk' to the other side of the group. This SHOULD take out more than half of them, then attack with those Orcs and a single troll with a club. Trolls with ricks also work rather well. Easterlings can be tricky to use, but they also work. (Run in line formation until you are right next to them; the speed helps more than the armour does.) Wait, the BEST anti-fire measure is two Ringwraiths and twenty trolls, but in not just every situation you HAVE twenty spare Trolls. :( Unfortunately. Mordor should have a summon power, 'Another Wave' with ten trolls and ten Orc battalions. Or 'OMG, the uber-cheat' with 200 trolls and 5,000 hordes of orcs.
I love updates. Especially spiffy Mordor stuff.
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Member Since 22 Jul 2006Offline Last Active Aug 15 2006 02:01 AM
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- Age 37 years old
- Birthday February 30, 1987
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Ranging 'twixt Gorgoroth and the Iron Teeth.
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In Topic: Kings of the West mod information
10 August 2006 - 02:23 AM
In Topic: mod with all the mods?
07 August 2006 - 04:05 PM That one has all his released ones so far except for the Gorgoroth Troll Captain. (Witchking, Saruman, Khamuul, more colours...)
In Topic: Kings of the West mod information
04 August 2006 - 05:45 PM
I've just always been a John Bach fan. I remember watching all of the ' The Feds ' and loving him. And I loved the scene with him and Gothmog.
In Topic: Kings of the West mod information
04 August 2006 - 04:24 PM
I'm guessing a special Ranger unit, perhaps a Ranger swordsman, parhaps a Hero, like Madril. For the other, I think an Evenstar power, although I'm not sure about that one. If not, perhaps another option for the Gondorian stoneworker building. Shots in the dark.
In Topic: Kings of the West mod information
01 August 2006 - 04:12 PM
And perhaps two random posters. Maybe I'll put everyone else's names in a hat and pull two.
Will Bribery help my case? Anyway, I like the idea of marching, but could that be done to where they march as fast as they used to run? The Tower Guards are quite slow enough as they are... Maybe just a toggle button between marching and running, maybe with a small leadership bonus if you march? 'Twould be funny to see all the Mordor orcs doing a quick lock-step.
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