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Member Since 26 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2006 07:07 PM

Topics I've Started

Unification Wars

18 August 2006 - 09:04 PM

Unification Wars

The year is 11,000 AD - 1000 years after the collapse of the United World Council (UWC). The UWC used to govern the universe, keeping it safe for all species. Alliances and agreements were made to keep the peace and harmony in the universe. Forces from different species would stand together to maintain peace and ensure all enjoyed mutual benefits. The universe at the time was comprised of peace loving empires from all known species. There were no major wars between species.

However as it is by nature, there are certain empires in which greed for more power and wealth overcame their peaceful nature. They began to attack weaker empires illegally. The UWC's fleets of multi-species forced these empires to the outer region of the universe. Being furious about isolation, all these powerful and wealthy empires teamed up to overthrow the United World Council. Being war-crazy empires, they did have better war strategies. After a series of bloody wars, they managed to kill all the UWC leaders and threaten to do the same to any new leaders.

Without proper governance of the universe, all intelligent species in the universe slowly became enslaved by greed and lust for power and it materialized into constant struggles between various empires exploding into an all out war. Even peace loving empires were forced to go into war to ensure survival.

Now, all awaits the Ultimate Empire to come forward in an attempt to unify all the shattered empires throughout the universe. To ensure peace returns to the galaxies, one empire must now emerge master of all others.

One of the best text best MMOG's ever made, Unification Wars is a very popular game that has about 360,000 registered players. And the best part? IT'S FREE. (You can also upgrade to paid account for more features.) You start out as the terran race, and as you go on you can change races.

Here is the link-- http://uc1.GamesTotal.com/?tft=br3a


29 July 2006 - 09:36 PM

What program would be best to edit the art in the textures.big file. Also what font does the game use. ( Im trying to change the
Posted Image
so it has All Out War under it.

Need a site and subforum for my mod.

27 July 2006 - 05:08 AM

Hi, I'm BloodyOmaha (have no idea how to change display name). Im a Blue Armies Inc. Staff Member, and have no site or subforums so can you please give me a site and subforums.

Here is the readme....

Battle for Middle Earth: All Out War
created by
Blue Armies Inc.
1.00 BETA

Special thanks to GothmogTheOrc for the advice.

Mod Specifications:


More neutral units at their layers.

All units are one command point instead of 2 3 or 4. (Not yet finished)

All buildings are free and build instantly. (Except the isengard battle tower. No idea why.)

All units prices have been cut in half and build instantly.

All upgrades are free and build instantly. (With the exception of the market place upgrades and the stoneworker upgrades. They are free but they dont build instantly.)

Mordor:(Mordor has barely been worked on)

Heros: Sauron, Witchking, Nazgul, Nazgul, Nazgul, Nazgul, Nazgul, Nazgul, Nazgul, Nazgul

Command point limit is 32000 instead of 400( for all amount of players even 8!).

Mordor can build an Isengard Defense tower on the normal foundations and their defense foundations.

Mordor can build some of Isengards units. (Still undecided)

All battalions are doubled (except haradrim and Soldiers of Rhun are tripled).

Catapults fire farther.

Isegard:(Almost done)

Heros: Sauron(Might be taken out), Sauraman, Lurtz, Shelob, Gollum

Command point limit is 32000 instead of 400( for all amount of players even 8!).

Isengard can build an Isengard Defense tower on their defense foundations.

Isengard can build some of Mordors units. (Still undecided)

All battalions are doubled (except warg riders are tripled).

Ballistas fire farther.

Gondor: (One or two more things left)

Heros: Gandalf, Aragon, Borimir, Faramir

Command point limit is 16000 instead of 200( for all amount of players even 8!).

Gondor can build a Gondor Defense towen on their defense foundations.

New Units:
---Archery Range: Elven Archers
---Stables: Rohirrim, Rohirrim Archers
---Farm: Rohan Pesants

New Upgrades:
---Archery Range: Rohan Fire Arrows
---Blacksmith: Rohan Forged Blades, Rohan Banner Carrier, Rohan Heavy Armor

All battalions are tripled.

Trebuchets fire farther.

Rohan: (Nope Not finished here. Why do you think its a beta vesion?)

Heros: Elrond, Theoden, Eyomer, Eyowen, Gimli, Legolas, Merry, Pippin

Command point limit is 16000 instead of 200( for all amount of players even 8!).

Rohan can build Gondor Defense tower on their normal foundations and their defense foundations.

Rohan can build some of Gondor units. (Still undecided)

All battalions are tripled.

Ents rocks go farther.

Do not copy or edit this mod or reintroduce it without our consent.

Thank You,
The Blue Armies Inc. Staff

Blue Armies Inc. Copyright 2006

Any questions or concerns please contact us at

Awesome Mod

26 July 2006 - 09:13 PM

Hey I think RoR is an awesome mod. I love it. Just a suggestion you should make it so the catapults fire farther. Besides that its the best mod ive seen for BFME so far. ;)