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Member Since 27 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 22 2006 09:57 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: FLCL

29 July 2006 - 08:37 PM

Fooly Cooly is weird, but watching the whole series and putting it all togather you find out that is just genius. Amazing.

My friends used to watch Excel Saga all the time. I never got to watch it, but they said it was hilirous.

I'm not really a huge anime fan, most shows are hard to follow with out watching from the start, and if you do want to watch it from the start, you have to shell out some serious cash to buy DVD's.

FLCL really cought me because it was a 6 episode series, and one week, Adult Swim aired the whole series, one each night so I followed it fine.

I used to be Gundam obsesed when I was 11 - 12. (I'm 15 now if your wondering.) I didn't follow the story what so ever, but there were exploisions, giant robots, and amazing animation.

Some anime I can watch and just be amazed regardless of knowing the story: Samuri Champloo, and Ghost In Shell. The action is just amazing, and the animation is some of the best I have ever seen.

A huge anime series I never really understood why they are so big: Full Metal Alcamist (Never really got into the story, and just a bit boring.)

An anime show I wish I watched while it was on, Dragon Ball Z. Why? Earths Special Forces. A Half Life mod has made me desire to watch Dragon Ball Z. The game is so nuts and fun, I wonder if the show is the same.

Thats my list of anime. I only really see whats on american TV, not much else.

Any reccomendations for me?

In Topic: ModDB Webmaster Request

28 July 2006 - 04:07 AM

Wow, thanks, I'm flattered. I'm a CSS Junky. Such a simple and powerful language.

For the site, I really just re-did the code from the site I posted at the top, just with a diffrent backround and a new logo. But I feel like I cheated myself out of some good experince, so I am gonna redo it all. but, we have a small working site until then. (I need an ipmressive portfolio because I have no degree, I'm 15 and I tought my self from tutorials and just stealing and editing source.)

Does anyone have a strong hatred/love for a certian fourm software? I'm leaning towards SMF, but I might try something new. The software this board uses cost you a pretty penny, so unless you want me to just link here from the fourms, we are using a diffrent system. Until I set up a new board the site I set up will link here.

Anyways, I'm typing a mile aminute to get my computer turned off cause theres one hell of a storm rumpling my feet. Due to that the site is still not complete, a few links don't work, but I'll fix it in the morning.

Please let me know of all errors in resolution, I made this in 1440x900 so I need to make sure it looks ok for everyone else.

SHit! lights just dimmed, this is gonna hurt my PC...

In Topic: ModDB Webmaster Request

28 July 2006 - 03:08 AM

If you ment you added me on ModDB, my user name is barness. If you put just barnes, sorry for the mix up. I found some great renders (just cut out tranparent images, not model renders.) online, so I'll build a little something with that.

I'll start working on it tonight. I'll post the URL as I finish up.

The new logo would be great. I'm using the one that you on one of the finshed models. (I love that logo by the way. Is there a font like that floating around?)

In Topic: ModDB Webmaster Request

27 July 2006 - 04:37 PM

I'm happy you like my work. I'll be willing to build you a full site and update it with the news, or images you give me. I'm sending you an email ininifty (I don't use MSN...though I should...) If you can send me a few high quality jpegs of some things you'd like and I can get started on the design.

I'll include a few jpegs of my models in the email.

In Topic: Laurasia Class

27 July 2006 - 03:24 AM

I hate UV Maps. Blender gives me the worst UV Maps, 3D Studio Max gives the best.