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Member Since 28 Jul 2006
Offline Last Active Aug 24 2007 12:01 AM

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Nvm, fixed problem.... (not really)

17 August 2007 - 09:57 PM

ok, i fixed the problem with WB (sort of, those lines didn't needed to be fixed i just had to run generals and it was fine except i couldn't run WB after still), but now my Submarine's not moving, it never did actually when i built it, it has a locomotor
Locomotor = SET_NORMAL BasicBoatLocomotor
. But i dont know whats wrong with it, again if you could help me please that would be a great help. thanks in advance :good:

Object ChinaVehicleSubmarine
  SelectPortrait		 = SABattleship_L
  ButtonImage			= SABattleShip_L
 ; *** ART Parameters ***
  Draw				   = W3DTankDraw ModuleTag_01
	OkToChangeModelColor = Yes
	InitialRecoilSpeed   = 120
	MaxRecoilDistance	= 8
	RecoilSettleSpeed	= 6
	ConditionState	   = NONE
	  Model			  = Submarine 
	  Turret			 = Turret01 
	  AltTurret		  = TURRET02   
	  WeaponFireFXBone   = PRIMARY MUZZZLE01
	  WeaponMuzzleFlash  = PRIMARY MUZZLEFX01
	  WeaponFireFXBone   = SECONDARY MUZZLE02
	  WeaponMuzzleFlash  = SECONDARY MUZZLEFX02
;	  ParticleSysBone   = TREADFX01 WAVESPRAY01
;	  ParticleSysBone   = TREADFX02 WAVESPRAY01
;	  ParticleSysBone   = TREADFX03 WAVESPRAY01
	ConditionState	   = DAMAGED
	  Model			  = Submarine
	  Model			  = Submarine

 ; ***DESIGN parameters ***
  DisplayName			= OBJECT:Submarine
  Side				   = China
  EditorSorting		  = VEHICLE
  TransportSlotCount	 = 0				;how many "slots" we take in a transport (0 == not transportable)
	Conditions		   = None 
	Weapon			   = PRIMARY RocketBuggyWeapon
	Weapon			   = SECONDARY RocketBuggyWeapon
	Conditions		   = None
	Armor				= TankArmor
	DamageFX			 = TankDamageFX
  BuildCost			  = 800
  BuildTime			  = 10.00	  ;In seconds	   
  VisionRange			= 300
  ShroudClearingRange = 300
	= Object ChinaWarFactory

  ExperienceValue	= 50 100 100 150; Experience point value at each level
  ExperienceRequired = 0 200 300 600; Experience points needed to gain each level 
  IsTrainable		= yes		  ; Can gain experience
  CrushableLevel	 = 2 ;What am i?:	  0 = Infantry 1 = Trees 2 = general vehicles

 ; *** AUDIO Parameters ***
  VoiceSelect = BattleshipVoiceSelect
  VoiceMove = BattleshipVoiceMove
  VoiceGuard = BattleshipVoiceMove
  VoiceAttack = BattleshipVoiceAttack
  SoundAmbient = BattleshipAmbientLoop

   ; These have the syntax of SomeNameSomewhereInCode = SomeNameSomewhereInLookupINIs
	TurretMoveLoop	   = TurretMoveLoop
	VoiceCreate = BattleShipVoiceSelect

 ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters ***
  RadarPriority		  = UNIT

  Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02
	MaxHealth			= 800
	InitialHealth		= 800
Behavior = StealthUpdate ModuleTag_07
	StealthDelay				= 2000; msec
	StealthForbiddenConditions  = FIRING_PRIMARY FIRING_SECONDARY
	HintDetectableConditions	= IS_FIRING_WEAPON
	InnateStealth			   = Yes
	OrderIdleEnemiesToAttackMeUponReveal  = Yes
  Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03
	  TurretTurnRate	 = 80
	  TurretPitchRate	= 80
	  FirePitch		  = 15		   ; Instead of aiming pitchwise at the target, it will aim here
	  AllowsPitch		= Yes
	  RecenterTime	   = 5000	  ; how long to wait during idle before recentering
	  ControlledWeaponSlots = PRIMARY 
	  NaturalTurretAngle = 90  
	  TurretTurnRate	 = 80
	  TurretPitchRate	= 80
	  FirePitch		  = 15		 ; Instead of aiming pitchwise at the target, it will aim here
	  AllowsPitch		= Yes
	  RecenterTime	   = 5000	; how long to wait during idle before recentering
	  ControlledWeaponSlots = SECONDARY
;	AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes
  Locomotor = SET_NORMAL BasicBoatLocomotor
  Geometry			   = BOX	
  GeometryMajorRadius	= 200.0
  GeometryMinorRadius	= 20.0
  GeometryHeight		 = 40	 
  GeometryIsSmall		= No 
  Shadow				 = SHADOW_VOLUME   

Stupid error just trying to make a submarine

17 August 2007 - 08:12 PM

k, i am trying to make a submarine for china, i have done generals.csf, command button, command set, but china vehicle is the problem. evrytime i try to run generarals it does the serious error thing, check "releasecrashinfo" "parsing INI file Gnerals zero hour\data\INI\ChinaVehicle.ini"

ok so i open up worldbuilder to see what's the problem i get this
or if the image doesn't pop up, it says this "ASSERTION FAILURE: tab characters are not allowed in INI files (generals zero hour\data\INI\Object\ChinaVehicle.ini). Pleas check your editor settings. Line number 95.
Abort-> exception Retry-> debugger ignore->Continue" and i dont remember putting Tab on that line i'll show you the line
Locomotor =  SET_NORMAL BasicBoatLocomotor

and then the next one said(because i clicked ignore on the previous one) said
ASSERTION FAILURE: failed to find thing template ChinaWarfactory (case sensitive) this case has a chance of crashing if you click ignore.
so i clicked abort and i try to run generals again and it doesn't work. can you guys please help me, thanks in advance. :good:

script not working

15 July 2007 - 05:31 PM

k i have a script that i want to do, it's described like i have a wave of scorpions attacking a wave of crusaders, then i want another wave of Gla enemies to attack the crusaders and then another wave but it doesnt work, ill give you an example:
							 **THEN** set timer 'team 1' to 10.00 seconds, set timer 'team 2' to 20.00 seconds.

								**IF** timer 'team 1' has expired
								   **THEN** set 'team1' to attack 'team ShirmishAmerica'

								   **IF** timer 'team 2' has expired
								  **THEN** set 'team2' to attack 'team SkirmishAmerica'

and for the team list it has:
SkirmishGLA-> team 1:
Team 1: 
Identity: team 1
min:3,  max:3

and then the same thing for team2 but it has quad cannons.

and when i launch my map, after 10 seconds the dudes dont attack the crusaders. i would like some help to fix this problem. thanx in advance

Making those cool skins

10 July 2007 - 10:38 PM

K, i've always wanted to know how to put those really good looking skins on tanks and buildings, like is there a software that can make those kind of images or what? here's some of the skins that i mean i want to make things like. http://http://regen....p...ip=0&pic=93 http://http://regen....p...ip=0&pic=89


01 December 2006 - 06:35 PM

k, i need help with skinning, i can get the uvw layouts and every thing and get it into photoshop, and adding the colours, but i don't know how to add extra detail to it and the shading. it's just the little details i can't get onto my skin :p