Locomotor = SET_NORMAL BasicBoatLocomotor. But i dont know whats wrong with it, again if you could help me please that would be a great help. thanks in advance
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Object ChinaVehicleSubmarine SelectPortrait = SABattleship_L ButtonImage = SABattleShip_L ; *** ART Parameters *** Draw = W3DTankDraw ModuleTag_01 OkToChangeModelColor = Yes InitialRecoilSpeed = 120 MaxRecoilDistance = 8 RecoilSettleSpeed = 6 ConditionState = NONE Model = Submarine Turret = Turret01 AltTurret = TURRET02 WeaponFireFXBone = PRIMARY MUZZZLE01 WeaponMuzzleFlash = PRIMARY MUZZLEFX01 WeaponFireFXBone = SECONDARY MUZZLE02 WeaponMuzzleFlash = SECONDARY MUZZLEFX02 ; ParticleSysBone = TREADFX01 WAVESPRAY01 ; ParticleSysBone = TREADFX02 WAVESPRAY01 ; ParticleSysBone = TREADFX03 WAVESPRAY01 End ConditionState = DAMAGED Model = Submarine End ConditionState = REALLYDAMAGED RUBBLE Model = Submarine End End ; ***DESIGN parameters *** DisplayName = OBJECT:Submarine Side = China EditorSorting = VEHICLE TransportSlotCount = 0 ;how many "slots" we take in a transport (0 == not transportable) WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY RocketBuggyWeapon Weapon = SECONDARY RocketBuggyWeapon End ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = TankArmor DamageFX = TankDamageFX End BuildCost = 800 BuildTime = 10.00 ;In seconds VisionRange = 300 ShroudClearingRange = 300 Prerequisites = Object ChinaWarFactory End ExperienceValue = 50 100 100 150; Experience point value at each level ExperienceRequired = 0 200 300 600; Experience points needed to gain each level IsTrainable = yes ; Can gain experience CrushableLevel = 2 ;What am i?: 0 = Infantry 1 = Trees 2 = general vehicles ; *** AUDIO Parameters *** VoiceSelect = BattleshipVoiceSelect VoiceMove = BattleshipVoiceMove VoiceGuard = BattleshipVoiceMove VoiceAttack = BattleshipVoiceAttack SoundAmbient = BattleshipAmbientLoop UnitSpecificSounds ; These have the syntax of SomeNameSomewhereInCode = SomeNameSomewhereInLookupINIs TurretMoveLoop = TurretMoveLoop VoiceCreate = BattleShipVoiceSelect End ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = UNIT KindOf = PRELOAD CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS VEHICLE SCORE SELECTABLE Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 MaxHealth = 800 InitialHealth = 800 End Behavior = StealthUpdate ModuleTag_07 StealthDelay = 2000; msec StealthForbiddenConditions = FIRING_PRIMARY FIRING_SECONDARY HintDetectableConditions = IS_FIRING_WEAPON InnateStealth = Yes OrderIdleEnemiesToAttackMeUponReveal = Yes End Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03 Turret TurretTurnRate = 80 TurretPitchRate = 80 FirePitch = 15 ; Instead of aiming pitchwise at the target, it will aim here AllowsPitch = Yes RecenterTime = 5000 ; how long to wait during idle before recentering ControlledWeaponSlots = PRIMARY NaturalTurretAngle = 90 End AltTurret TurretTurnRate = 80 TurretPitchRate = 80 FirePitch = 15 ; Instead of aiming pitchwise at the target, it will aim here AllowsPitch = Yes RecenterTime = 5000 ; how long to wait during idle before recentering ControlledWeaponSlots = SECONDARY End ; AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes End Locomotor = SET_NORMAL BasicBoatLocomotor Geometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 200.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 20.0 GeometryHeight = 40 GeometryIsSmall = No Shadow = SHADOW_VOLUME End