Let me explain the situation.
I want to play BF2 online. I installed the game. Entered the code. Downloaded the update. Installed BF2. Restarted after the download finished. Installed the update. Looking up the IP adress of the server where I can expect BoD* people and all that kind of stuff.
*bod is a small cz community at www.bodclan.org.uk
(it was already 2 o clock in the morning!)
I tried to join. It worked marvelous. Until I wanted to play. I got kicked with the error message of punkbuster: Inadequate O/S Priveledges.
So I tried it again this evening to no avail. Then I removed BF2 and then I reinstalled it again. Restarted. Installed update and in the meanwhile writing this rant.
So then I started to think about some things.
Windows activation for example. Punkbuster whining. Steam (the gaming platform. Not the cloud that you get when you boil water). And more of those things.
Then I started to think some more. All the things that have changed recently in the gaming/ICT business have only changed for the worst from the moment shortly after xDSL became available.
Steam went into large updates. Allot of online commercial (spam). New virusses (welchia).
Newer games and Intel who sucks up money like hell with their CPU's and as soon as a new line is started the prices drop like mad. AMD also dropping their prices like hell.
While I was thinking like that I came to a conclusion.
Steam is doing illegal things (Letting us first buy a product to activate it trough inet and then it still needs to be unlocked. No possibility of offline gaming or anything like that).
The cheat scanner program doing illegal things (scanning all directories and not being clear on what is being sended onto the internet).
m$ doing illegal things (WGA).
Then it all became clear to me. Those fucking rotten companies are only after our money. If I join a server I want to join a server. I dont want to see any fucking banners. I fucking paid for that game. If I pay for something then I decide what I want to see in the game. Not steam.
They clearly do not know the dutch law. And the gamers also do not know the law.
I pay for my DSL. I accidently installed the WGA thingy. And unfortunatly I do not keep connection records in my router since I dropped the Linux project.
Who is paying for my xDSl??
I am paying for it not Steam not M$ hell not even some crappy smarty ass programmer who thinks he can be smart to make a cheat scanner.
All these companies just think that they can do anything they want. And the dutch are so damned croocked that they just accept it.
If I had money I would just see m$ in court.
Same thing for Steam.
WTF ARE THEY THINKING PUTTING COMMERCIALS IN PAID GAMES??? I paid for a game and I did not give them permission to advertise gaming service or anything else.
Next thing is the fact that if I buy something that I have paid for it. If I install it then I expect it to play offline without the hassle of first downloading the unlock files and then registering the key.
Stand allone allow them to show their own update news on the startup. Steam was installed at my place trough the CZ dvd and the HL2 DVD. So why would I accept their commercials?
If I pay money for a product then I own the License to use that product as I see fit as long as it is within the bounds of the law. If I want to create a MOD on a game then I am allowed to do so.
Basically you could say that Steam is infected with adware. It shows commercials and you can not dissable them.
m$ is one big spyware company.
Is it just me or is this going on just recently (since 4 years almost).
Dutch law is different from other local laws. But the things M$ are doing are illegal everywhere.
The things Steam are doing are also ILLEGAL. They put ads in their software while I do not request ad's in them nor do I agree to the use of system resources to download news bulletins of new games/updates.
If I rent a xDSL connection then i am paying for the data that is send over that line. Thus I decide what is requested and what not. What is accepted and what not. What is send and what not.
This is just plain in every country. If you pay for something then you own it. If you rent it then you can decide within the law offcorse what you will do with it.
This message will also be posted on a few other forums. If I get enough feedback i may even consider sending it to the dutch government. I am sure that this is a thing that is currently playing in this world considering everybody is so terrified of terrorism. While those companies are actually supporting and giving method's for cyber terrorism.
Spyware, Adware. In the current day we do not control the computer. The software companies control our computer basically while we DID NOT give them permission to do so.
oh and on a second note.
I heard that the license agreement or m$ does not count here in the dutch.
I do not know if it is true or not.
And with this the rant is over. Now I only hope that my english inst as bad as my memory is
Member Since 06 Aug 2006Offline Last Active Aug 28 2006 05:08 PM