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Member Since 06 Aug 2019
Offline Last Active Aug 14 2019 09:03 PM

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In Topic: StarFuck - Point Push - Confirmed

07 August 2019 - 08:58 AM

Ye I saw that and that site is clear as day but why isn't there just a general ELO for people that comes up if the whole persona thing is so broken for unknown reasons?

I was kinda chocked to see so many people online with ratios that looked like 15/50 but now I get why and it's just crazy lol. Hard to make a fair game.
Gentools is in version 7.7, can't believe it's not fixed :p Like I know, it is a free project, I should be happy, etc etc. But it's just such a massive error that I don't understand why it's not been fixed.

In Topic: StarFuck - Point Push - Confirmed

06 August 2019 - 05:01 PM

If you want to add wins (other than ladder wins) to your persona, use unranked maps.    If you do what you did with ranked maps, we will treat it as point pushing (because that is what it is).

That doesn't make any sense at all to me as a newbie? Are there two seperate rankings or something and only the "ranked" one gives you points on the main ladder as well? Like the 1v1 and 2v2 ladders?

How do I check other peoples position on this ladder who aren't in top 10?
Why do you even have this ladder if it's like really difficult to get games going around it considering CnC itself seems to only list the persona wins and losses?

In Topic: StarFuck - Point Push - Confirmed

06 August 2019 - 04:58 PM

I knew that's why you were doing this. I tried to figure out how the wins and losses worked a few years back, and got reported for it as well.


The way wins and losses work is like this:


If you host a game, doesn't matter what kind of game it is, or what map it is on(so long as the map is official/ReLaX/[NMC]), and you win that game; This will add 1 win to your persona, but if you log out after receiving that win, it will be erased. If you go on to play a second game(which you also hosted), and you win that one, then the first win is permanent, if you lose the game, there is a 50/50 chance the win will be erased.


If you join a game, whether you win or lose the game you've joined, there seems to be an 80% chance that only your losses will count; About 1 in 3 or 4 wins count, unless they are consecutive, from games you've joined. 


If you want to add wins to your persona, you should use 2 vs 2 maps to do so, as these will not count on the 1 vs 1 ladder, nor the 2 vs 2 ladder, because you are playing with only two players(you and your other PC) on a four player map. Also, as not to waste so much time in doing so, you should just have the loosing player(the nickname that isn't yours) quit after 30 seconds each game; This will also make the game not upload to GenTool. So it's like nothing happened, except that every win(besides the very last one) will count permanently.


I'm just browsing these forums a bit since I'm a new member and holy shit guys how haven't you fixed this yet? I made a thread about it recently. How can it be so messed up? Never heard of a game in my life that has this kind of weird issue that can't be traced or understood and that seems to be extremely random.


06 August 2019 - 04:48 PM

Update the game using the gen tools updater

In Topic: I lost 2 games won 1. Only the losses recorded

06 August 2019 - 04:40 PM

Now I'm freaking out a bit. So I just won a game again, and I saw my profile updated and I got a win. I login and out a couple of times and now im back to 0 2??? O.o
The heck is happening here bois :D




Ok from this thread: https://forums.revor...push-confirmed/

I understand there is some kind of elo for 2v2 and 1v1 games? And there's a top 10 list and in it you can see your rank, mine's like 44k or something.
BUt how do I see the rank of people in my own game?

Having "player table" doesn't do much. I managed to get the thing to appear for 3 out of 4 players once as the game was starting but nothing else.



edit: I seem to be figuring it out slowly, so the "reaL" elo will only show up in 1v1 and 2v2 games if the settings are Team 1v/Team 2/3/4 and all applicable players have it clicked on. That's a bit of a pity.