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Member Since 10 Apr 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2010 03:55 PM

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In Topic: Bomb truck- Thudo, you owe me something! ;)

18 May 2004 - 12:32 AM

Yeah md is a lier huh, i bet he dosnt even own the game that piece of cow crap... :ermm:

what up good to be back , im on the east side now... I get cable sunday, but i couldnt wait to get online any longer so i bought a phone line for the week hehe

When i get cable im going to host a program i made a while back called File leech... Its like a combo of a instant messager and KAzaa,but i got chat rooms on it to so , if you guys want i can make a Section of it just for SDI.. just a thought.. I can pretty much add anything in it i want seeing that i coded it ,so if anything can help are coding comunications tell me im all ears

In Topic: Skirmish AI project - preliminary Action list..

17 May 2004 - 11:56 PM

You talk like you know an algorythm that require 10Ghz.

Things are not as complex as you think. Some years ago I made bots for first Quake. They were good (but not exellent). The main is they were not cheaters!!!

Mithril called you "master scripter". I thought you know how to make AI that will not have a need to cheat the game, but I was wrong.

My opinion is: Better to make AI that will not cheat (does not matter if it is stupid or clever). If player want more difficult gameplay he must play against more than one computer (difficultly settings better to be cut).

Creator.. I have no clue what got you off this way this morning. Its a given with the SAGE engine that it needs to cheat in order to preform - period! Ask RVMECH.. you must give money to the AI 'sometimes' in order to make it do what you want it to do. You said it yourself: you were wondering why the AI wasn't building something for you. I responded that the SAGE engine requires the AI be given money to do the action.

Now you come back with this EVEN WITHOUT playing my AI on the field. Thats what the beta test will be.

Play AoM: Titans and tell me that robust Skirmish AI system doesn't cheat? Once you hit HARD guess what? It cheats - it gets super-massive bonuses across the board and on TITAN skill its pure and unadulterated sickness how fast it builds.

So don't go spouting to me about the SAGE engine and its internal mechanics. You script the SAGE AI and see how far you get with it - you won't. Just because it gets money like it does in AoM: Titans DOES NOT MEAN you'll lose all the time. Look at it as a challenge plus taking on two of my AIs is VERY CHALLENGING so expect to be owned unless yer good.

Remember: the cash infusions are meant to compensate for what a human would do: budget his economy super-well. An AI can only be map-aware so much compared to a super self-aware Pro Player. Anyway, I take it from your response to me that yer knowledge of the SAGE AI system is not robust quite yet - true? Have you ever scripted an entire faction from the ground up? Play test it til you were satisfied? :tocol:

what up in the hizo , BAck to a realy old subject but ive been gone . My AI cheats a lil bit too , but ive been trying to make it servive on its own more , with speeeed! and a sound plan , thus it wont have to think like i do so it will be faster.. Take the Tank gen , ive been focus on the computer dominating the map and chocking your money resources to death by Taking over all the resources while send teams of tanks to kill you! plus ive made it so they build a crap load of hackers and spread them out everywhere , if there hacker supply goes down they build more while still keeping up on there defense and money to kill ... All my Generals will use this kind of method. My super weapon gen is almost impossible any one want to help me test my AI tell me . I do cheat and give them some money so they can spread quicker but i try to make it as if your playing a human.... I realy want to play your AI though thudo hehe..

In Topic: Skirmish AI project - preliminary Action list..

16 April 2004 - 09:15 AM

3) Garrisoning either China Overlord Tank or GLA BattleBus with troops - this has always been an issue because unlike the USA Humvee, both the Bunkered Overlord and the BattleBus are not given the flag "KindOf = Transport" so thus they seem to not be able to garrison troops in.

Cant you add the kindof = transport to them??

In Topic: AI Building Layout application

12 April 2004 - 05:47 AM

sup man, yeah the site is all in flash. Its not to hard to make websites in flash , you can even add script to make it do more stuff , the script is like java script ive been messing with it for a while now not to hard to get a grasp off. Can help you out if you need it..

In Topic: AI Command Center

10 April 2004 - 02:48 PM

Yeah its the AI starting out with it.. Its like it dosnt even check if if auto builds or not in the AIDATA.ini , it just builds it.

YEah my name is weird :D , Was using it on a screen name because Madskillz was not available so i used this MsAkDillz , kinda says madskillz hehe , anyway it stuck and i never have a problem with someone else having the screen name so i use it :ermm: