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Member Since 16 Sep 2019
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2019 05:03 PM

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The Lord Of The Rings: Battle Of Middle - Earth 2 won't just work..

16 September 2019 - 06:31 PM

Hello community,



I've been trying to make my BFME II work but it's now day 3 and still no chance of it...  I've tried using Alcohol 12%, Daemon Tools, WinCDmu, etc ... and still nothing works.

I followed the entire guide [https://forums.revor...ion-guide/qdt3a] followed every step but still nothing and at this point... I'm way to ashamed xD... 


What's the problem?


I'm currently stuck at the point where you need to place the image files into the drive and for some reason it keeps popping up that the file cannot be read or that the file is broken...




It would be awesome if somebody could help me with this.. I will give you virtual kisses  <^_^