Maybe you should use mp3's of rock bands.
I'm listening to Audioslave right now.
I like The Hives A LOT and it would be great to hear them in CNC. Another musician to look up is Mr. Oizo. Mr. Oizo has some of the weirdest (but greatest) music I've ever heard. Last great song I need is Sandstorm by Darude. Greatest techno ever.
Playing Generals and Winamp simultaniously slows down my pc a ton. I'll be getting a new one but not for a while, so it'd be great to hear that music in the game.
The issue is, if by some longshot the developers from either game (td or gen) helped you out, there'd be licensing issues galore because the product might be copyrighted.
Thanks for your time.
MOAB Of Primus
Member Since 11 Apr 2004Offline Last Active Apr 14 2004 07:04 PM