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Member Since 01 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 03 2008 12:36 PM

Topics I've Started

Action VI Transport size

29 December 2007 - 05:39 AM

I just checked in Wookieepedia, the Action VI transport appears to be 125 meters long rather than the 100 meters long as on the Pheonix Rising website.

Edit: Oh it's the Action IV transport that you are using nevermind then. It's the VI that the pirate uses.

Portable Defense/Artillery emplacement

12 November 2007 - 02:07 AM

A common knowledge but might as well put it here, this is a tutorial to make an AI compatible portable artillery emplacement but is actually a vehicle. For AI will build the defense structure which will spawn the vehicle, which cannot move on its own but can be tote by a carryall or moved by magnetrons. :grin:

;Dummy building, arts
Cameo=ARTYICON;Icon for unit
ActiveAnim=ARTYDUMMY_A;A must

;Dummy animation for self destruction
Damage=1;Or whatever is enough to destroy the dummy building
LoopCount=-1;Make sure the building is destroyed

;Your dummy building, rules
UIName=Name:ARTYDUMMY;This is important for it shows up when selected in the armory menu
BuildCat=Combat;For it to show up in the armory menu
Prerequisite=GAPILE,GACNST;Whatever required
TechLevel=1;Or whatever is buildable
Strength=1;Important or will remain on map
Sight=0;Not needed
Owner=British,French,Americans,Alliance,Germany;Whatever country build it
Cost=750;Building cost of unit
MaxDebris=0;Just disappear
ThreatPosed=0;Not needed
IsBaseDefense=yes;For AI to use it
AntiInfantryValue=50;AI use only, change if desired
ClickRepairable=no;Not needed
CanBeOccupied=no;Not needed
Repairable=no;Not needed
Crewed=no;Not needed
ImmuneToPsionics=yes;Pointless to control
DontScore=yes;Don't want this to be counted as a loss
FreeUnit=ARTY;This is what spawns the artillery

;Actual unit, arts
Voxel=yes;A must for vehicle
Cameo=;Not needed
AltCameo=;Not need
PrimaryFireFLH=;Whatever works for the unit

;Actual unit, rules
;Whatever vehicle codes you want, but make sure it has these values:
Speed=0;Simulate building since it can't move
Cost=750;Match up to the building

Remember to add the building BuildDummy= under [AI] and AlliedBaseDefenses= or SovietBaseDefenses= or ThirdDefenses= whichever to your taste.
I would suggest using the 155lb from http://yrarg.cncguil...e=voxels/vxlg14


27 August 2007 - 03:48 AM

This WWII half-track was originally intended to replace Westwood's horrible half-track, but it seems a little plain so I've decided to make it a compliment of the RA2 Halftrack family. As a transport, troops should shoot out from it as it has no cover.

Download provided:

Swimming alligator

23 August 2007 - 03:18 PM

I thought it was stupid that Westwood never made an alligator that can swim, so I made one myself with custom idle frames and death frames. ;)

It's resized to 75%, I just noticed that when I'm done making, so sorry, resizing to original size will take someone else to do it.


15 August 2007 - 12:39 AM

Tracked=bool has not been put into any tutorials yet (Not even Deezire's), it's used in various vehicles in Red Alert and has not been used since. I have found that it is still valid and could still be added to any vehicletypes with Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1} (A.k.a. the driving locomotor.). It would make the vehicle "tracked" instead of wheeled, and as stated in the MovementZone tutorial that this could work as a new MovementZone. The stat of this "new" MovementZone could be controlled in TrackedUphill=# and TrackedDownhill=# of the [General] section and off the "Land Characteristics" section as Track=% along with other Locomotors such as Hover=% and Foot=%. This section could be found easily by searching for [Clear], [Rough], [Road], [Water], [Rock], [Wall], [Tiberium], [Beach], [Railroad], or [Tunnel] (Also [Weeds] and [Ice] although they are considered obsolete.).
With the default setting vehicletypes with Tracked=yes enabled can move 20% faster on Tiberium than normal vehicles. This is great for harvesters and robots if they are too fast to use the "Mech" locomotor.