I think it depends on what language your game uses.My version used German,and to get it work,I only changed the path of the button,that is installed with zhe mod.
"C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Battle for Middle-earth II\lotrbfme.exe" -mod
should be changed to the language you installed the game with,and also to the name of the files.I hope you know what I mean.^^I would like to help you a little bit more,but I don´t know which languaage your BFME is installed with ^^
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Member Since 08 Oct 2006Offline Last Active Apr 09 2009 07:47 PM
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In Topic: good mods
26 December 2006 - 04:59 PM
In Topic: Outpost menu
28 November 2006 - 03:06 PM
@Thorin:I knew that I know you.^^
@Topic:This outpost-thingy really confused me some time ago...I tried and tried and tried and could not change anything...So,if I understand right,theres no way to change it?
@Topic:This outpost-thingy really confused me some time ago...I tried and tried and tried and could not change anything...So,if I understand right,theres no way to change it?
In Topic: Firework FX
26 November 2006 - 08:46 AM
You could change the "Lifetime",but I don´t think it only gets longer.It also gets "slower",you know.^^
You should also add a "Scorch",for looking like something burning,and change the texture to a better one-->Take a look at the BFME2-EXFire01.But I have no idea,why this error comes up...I had a kind of it when I coded the Mouth Of Sauron,and then I deleted all new codes,started the game,and then,step-by-step,added the MoS-Codes,and it worked fine...
P.S.: Your FX looks very good,but you could also make a green and blue fire,so it even looks more "fireworkly".^^
You should also add a "Scorch",for looking like something burning,and change the texture to a better one-->Take a look at the BFME2-EXFire01.But I have no idea,why this error comes up...I had a kind of it when I coded the Mouth Of Sauron,and then I deleted all new codes,started the game,and then,step-by-step,added the MoS-Codes,and it worked fine...
P.S.: Your FX looks very good,but you could also make a green and blue fire,so it even looks more "fireworkly".^^
In Topic: Color-changing FX...
04 November 2006 - 01:32 PM
(I´m going to make a FX for Saruman...Muhaha!)
(I´m going to make a FX for Saruman...Muhaha!)
In Topic: move for no one
04 November 2006 - 10:07 AM
I really hate this kind of errors...A loooong time ago,I made the Mouth of Sauron,and gave him the "Lightning Sword" ability,without changing anything in the abilitys behavior.And which error came up? Game.dat....Then I used an earlier version of my file,and it still didn´t work.And I think the game.dat very often corrupts the asset.dat,since I got a asset.dat error.Urg.^^
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