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Member Since 04 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2019 10:46 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: connection problems to other players

28 January 2019 - 10:46 AM

hi thanks for all your responses it appears that all my problems have sorted them selfs out. i have no problems anymore for the moment

In Topic: cant login into cnc3 kw online using server info on revora

26 January 2019 - 04:28 AM

after serveral attempts of logging in it seem to have fix itself which im not sure how but anyway

In Topic: cant login into cnc3 kw online using server info on revora

26 January 2019 - 03:05 AM

ive tried using a different id and it still comes up with the same msg?

In Topic: Can't Log into CnC Online using Revora (Can't create CnC online server)

24 January 2019 - 10:55 AM

hi all

im having abit of trouble logging into cnckw online with the server user and password details i get the msg: The specified online ID or account name already in use. please try using a different one