Graion Dilach
Member Since 21 Oct 2006Offline Last Active Private
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Graion Dilach → Dr.GordonFreeman
I don't know why did you posted RA2 Reborn to every other mod you could've think of, but this place has noone who supports that mod. Your best bet is to go to their ModDB.
Jun 30 2016 10:33 AM
Graion Dilach
Lemme recap: Bel-Air, ZR1, old Mini, new Mini, VW New Beetle, Land Rover, Range Rover, Twingo, Chevy SS Cabrio... damnit, I'm crazy when it comes to civ art. And that's just the beginning.
Nov 20 2014 05:43 PM
Graion Dilach
Not at my current plans - I do plan of creating a whole series from the Ikarus 200s tho. Most importantly 260, 256, 280, 293 and 211. :D
Nov 20 2014 08:05 PM
Graion Dilach
This'll be a busy year with more time taken into uni/work/etc than modding. But at least presentating stuff seems to end up nicely... I might keep up the impression that I am even doing modding as well. xD
Feb 18 2014 04:51 PM
Graion Dilach
That awesome moment when you realize your drunk voice fits totally a unit in your mod...
Aug 17 2013 12:08 AM
Graion Dilach
True that. But I just spoke into my mic... no actual modding work was done that time. :P
Aug 18 2013 06:18 PM
Graion Dilach
Leon's black hole invoker works now. Thanks Starkku for the alphaimage and RS/TI for the idea to use it with trailerparticles. It's so nice seeing that it even fluctuates, dunno why tho. :D So finally Speed is right when he says I have black hole weaponry! :D
May 12 2013 10:27 PM
Graion Dilach
Collector completed... Oppressors are getting someewhere. I hav to vget up my lazy ass and start revoxelling the to-do stuff,. since it's close to get that aspect completed.
Jun 04 2012 10:04 AM
Graion Dilach
Matek szigorlat... diszkrétet írjuk újra, mert irritál a kettes részeredmény, nézem a dátumot, hatodika... miért is ismerős....
FB: Vénusz-átvonulás, tart hétig.
Ja, jó. Akkor még van időm átérni vizsgázni. xD
May 31 2012 05:32 PM
Graion Dilach
S ajánlom mindenkinek. Iron Sky... az év legnagyobb filmje. A Götterdämmerungnak repülnie kell!
May 27 2012 06:37 PM
Graion Dilach
Összesített kreditindex erre a félévre: 4,03...
Vasváriban nem voltak ilyen jó átlagaim... xD
May 24 2012 10:30 AM