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Member Since 25 Oct 2006
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2007 02:57 AM

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In Topic: Wars of the East

05 March 2007 - 02:59 AM

hey it's been a while since i been on and it all looks good i really like the ideas of the Dunedain and i still have the question of can i still make suggestions

In Topic: Wars of the East

24 December 2006 - 04:15 AM

sound's great i like the idea of Dunedain swordsmen........ so when is this going to be downloadable

and am i allowed to through out an idea or a suggestion

In Topic: Just wanted to say ...

17 December 2006 - 05:51 PM

No...............I installed everything right i put the those 5 files in the main B4ME2 Directory and i put the big in Documents and settings so i installed it right

In Topic: Just wanted to say ...

16 December 2006 - 05:30 PM

well even though u released a public release it still isn't fixed i installed it right so don't say i installed it wrong...........every time he comes out he is purple so i'm sorry to say i give up

In Topic: Just wanted to say ...

10 December 2006 - 05:30 PM

Well forget about what i said i realised i can't mod i tried but i SUCK :) so we just need to wait for this mod to come out and hopefully it does good and, Theodred made some new Fellowship mods trying to fix the problems with Strider (that is the only thing i pretty much care about) but it didn't work still so please PM Steel have this mod be a decent mod that has a working Strider