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Member Since 22 Jan 2020
Offline Last Active Apr 19 2021 11:43 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Shenol - Intentional Disconnection - Confirmed

14 April 2021 - 02:06 AM

i mean 18 dc in 2233 games thats a crime and i see pl with 3 times my d but nothing done about it only warnings yet im to be susspendid over 8 dc i call that bs guys

In Topic: Shenol - Intentional Disconnection - Confirmed

14 April 2021 - 02:04 AM

i was being harrased by nickname followed around like he was my shadow entering my games with muilple names i call that jealousy bro do what you have too get it over and done with game is dying 

In Topic: Shenol - Intentional Disconnection - Confirmed

13 April 2021 - 11:36 AM


A report of Intentional Disconnect in a game played in Zero Hour has been made against shenol [Revora Member: shenol] and the adjudicator has found the report to be valid.

The report and the decision may be found at GameReplays here: shenol - Intentional Disconnection - Valid
I give shenol three clear days to explain himself. If I do not hear from him within that time, the report will be confirmed and a sanction may be imposed. The explanation and any mitigation may be given here or in the report topic on GameReplays.

i also had my points deducted for the dc's i did

In Topic: Shenol - Intentional Disconnection - Confirmed

13 April 2021 - 11:35 AM


A report of Intentional Disconnect in a game played in Zero Hour has been made against shenol [Revora Member: shenol] and the adjudicator has found the report to be valid.

The report and the decision may be found at GameReplays here: shenol - Intentional Disconnection - Valid
I give shenol three clear days to explain himself. If I do not hear from him within that time, the report will be confirmed and a sanction may be imposed. The explanation and any mitigation may be given here or in the report topic on GameReplays.

yes i did dc a few times i appoligise for being a ass it wont happen again as everyone knows i play a 2v2 ranom no rush 10 game with rules also no sw auroas db no rush 10 nd as always they are the ones that roke the rules so i got annoyed which i shouldnt have im sure other and many have done the same so i deeply sorry for my actions wont happen again