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Darth Arbiter

Member Since 03 Nov 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2008 10:19 PM

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In Topic: Ages of Star Wars

20 February 2008 - 01:02 AM

Why do you guys have non popular forums isolated from the rest of the community? All that for the uber admin powers?

Well, considering we've only had them up for a few weeks we're actually doing pretty good. Besides, being hosted by Revora and using your forums doesn't guarantee anything other than lack of freedom. Sure, its great if you don't know how to set forums up and want hundreds of people with no interest in the mod to see the little link in the child boards thing under the forum name (Nothing better than being a subforum's subforum's subforum!). If we have our own site and forums, we have the freedom to do whatever we want with those forums, when we want it. Here it takes a while just to get approved to add a new subforum of your own (At least, that was my experience when the mod I lead was hosted here).

Either way, thanks for calling us unpopular, we really appreciate it!

I think that if modders get together, it is better for the whole community.

I don't see how being a subforum of a subforum of a subforum helps anyone in any way. Besides, at SW Rebellion we're still around other mods. My mod, Warlords, Imperial Assault, etc.