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Member Since 14 Feb 2020
Offline Last Active Apr 16 2021 03:37 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: AI not building Elite Barracks on War of the Ring

07 April 2021 - 12:05 PM

Will this be fixed for the next update? 

In Topic: Update on WOTR

19 March 2021 - 08:18 PM

Hi creators! It has been more than 5 months since I posted my last reply here. I'm surprised noone has commented on my reply but anyway. I have seen two  problems mainly in war of the ring since the release of 6.1. First the AI doesn't build elite barracks, and it is a bit boring honestly only fighting regular troops. Secondly, the AI on Soldier mode is very difficult to defeat in real-time battle without a fortress on your side. I haven't tried Captain but Soldier was enough to tell me it might be a bit OP the AI on War of the ring at least. And finally, some suggestions for the creators from my experience: 

-Fortress maps aren't very well fought, the AI doesn't build barracks or any troops except the ones from inn and special ones.  On the other side they fight well on a siege. 

-Mount Gundabad, Realm of the Eleven King should be fortress maps. 

-It would be nice if there were more historical scenarios, like a 6 player variant. 


That is all. I am really enjoying the mod, my favourite one from all mods on ROTWK. Thanks for your great work! Sorry for my English. 

In Topic: Update on WOTR

09 September 2020 - 11:07 AM

Hi creators! I am enjoying a lot this game, especially War of the ring mode. I have several questions. Will there be more scenarios added, like 6 player variants? Also is it possible that the banners and some fortresses like Rivendell or Erebor had shadows on the living map. Currently only Rohan banners have shadows. I know it is a little thing, but if it could be fixed it would be great.