Ok, i’ll try to explain myself better.
I belive this to be two seperate bugs colliding. I don’t think either has to do with the map specifically, just that they manifest in this map in an interesting, albeit strange way.
First the bug of assigning starting positions for enemy AI, where multiple AI’s get assigned the same starting position in RTS. You know, when they build on the same layout of their base and compete for space to put down barracks, fortress etc.
Second bug in this case is born out of the first in my opinion, because the defenders starting position is inside the fortress, but a reinforcing ai ally’s starting position is outside the castle walls, opposite of the assaulting army (minas morgul as a 3 player map). So now the first bug kicks in and wants to put the defender ai and his allied ai in the same starting position. The ai can’t put them both inside the fortress so the game assigns both defender and ally AIs to the starting position outside the fortress. So this is the second bug here because the defender AI doesn’t behave like the fortress defender but identical to the allied AI outside the walls. In effect the defender AI pushes all his builders out of the fortress and starts competing with his ally for the same base layout, even going so far as to build a fortress (which usually is not available to be built by a fortress defender). This also messes up the win conditions for the assulting army (the player in this case) whereas destroying the fortress citadel and killing the last builder doesn’t defeat the AI. You end up having to economically “scare” the AI into forfeiting to win the battle.
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Member Since 19 Feb 2020Offline Last Active May 04 2020 09:40 AM
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In Topic: Bug minas morgul assault wotr 4.1
08 April 2020 - 11:50 AM
In Topic: Bug wotr living world army movement
14 March 2020 - 05:30 PM
Erech > enedwaith vice versa.
If you say intended then why can i move to helms deep over identical border terrain.
If you say intended then why can i move to helms deep over identical border terrain.
In Topic: Bug roaming defense troops
13 March 2020 - 09:29 AM
This happened to my troops on another map when playing gondor, so the bug is universal i think. This happens when a troop is close to their base where the roamers spawn from barracks etc. and the battalion looses a lot of troops, eventually they turn into roamers, i never encountered them this immortal and potent though...
In Topic: Bug wotr living world army movement
12 March 2020 - 04:35 PM
Also strange, ai moved an army from anfalas to dol amroth. I cant move from dol amroth to anfalas.
In Topic: Bug northern mirkwood wotr battle
08 March 2020 - 08:35 PM
Leading hero was faramir level 10.
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