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Member Since 28 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Jun 05 2020 08:19 PM

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Can't connect to 95% of the players in C&C3 Tiberium Wars

28 November 2014 - 11:26 PM



So theres this problem. I can connect to the multiplayer, I got C&C Online working etc, but I can not connect to any players in the game lobbies. It was the same way with the origin/Gamespy days. I just coudlnt and still can't connect to any players. The problem most likely lies in port forwarding, but heres the thing. I know how to port forward, and I've done it successfully for all the games that needed it. Some plain good examples: Minecraft, Unturned. However, This game just wont cut it, I tried everything, and it still cant connect to majority of players. In very rare cases one player does establish a connection with me.


So, i'm turning to you guys here, probably mainly the programmers/coders of who wrote the C&C: Online client. How does this peer to peer connection work (I know that the client connects to your master server), and what do I need to do, that I havent tried already, because I have tried every single thing that are most commonly suggested to fix this kind of a problem.


Thank you!


EDIT: Huh, noticed I posted this under the Guild section...dont know if thats correct, but feel free to move it