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Member Since 24 Mar 2020
Offline Last Active Apr 24 2020 02:13 AM

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In Topic: General Questions & Suggestions Thread

15 April 2020 - 01:11 AM

We have Moria Orcs and Goblin-towners in AotR. Both are orcs, both are goblins, because goblins and orcs in Tolkien are the same thing. We have Gundabad goblins, Black Uruk goblins, etc. The word means the same. 


As to your question - I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean?

I know that they are the same.

My point was that Goblins were successfully established in the Lord of the Rings series and everyone was referring to them as such; furthermore, just about everyone was expecting them to look the part in the Hobbit Trilogy, but PJ just basically f****d it up, simply due to his laziness or lack of care or pure arrogance; what ever it was he just stuffed it up. Along side Radaghast, Beorn, Goblin King and many other characters.

Nevertheless, the point I was making here was that the name is really not that important I was more concerned about some of your balance issues: which is Gondor Knights, Uruk Pikes, Soldiers of Rhun and other things that I mentioned in the topic above.

I think creators of Edain Mode got the Calvary balance more or less correct, while you did well with infantry (Gondor Soldiers, Men of Westfold etc.) Just Soldiers of Rhun needs addressing as they should not be stronger than Soldiers of Gondor or Men of Westfold if you are to stick to the lore of the LOTR universe.

But so far I had no replies in regards to my balance proposal what so ever. Yet we had this massive discussion about Moria Orcs/Goblins name, which really is not that important...

Kind regards.

In Topic: 1.07 released? By Thorongil?

06 April 2020 - 02:54 AM

Because 1.09 is currently developed by independent devs, This game is too old to handle 3 different patches. Currently most people play 1.06, others play 1.09 and another patch just won't do this game any good.

Wow I had no idea it is BFME 1 we are talking about?

P.S. Where do I find 1.09 patch and the list of changes that comes with it?

In Topic: General Questions & Suggestions Thread

06 April 2020 - 02:51 AM



European folklore isn't relevant. Tolkien intended that orcs and goblins are the same thing. There's no debate here.

So why do you have Goblins in the game at all? Pardon the pun but it is pretty contradictory to have Goblins in the game at all according to your statement ;-)

P.S. And again - ask yourself, dont need to tell me - just yourself did you at any time by any means called them orcs after Lord of the Rings films and prior to Hobbit Trilogy?

In Topic: General Questions & Suggestions Thread

30 March 2020 - 08:49 AM

They're orcs mate.

Love how you ignored everything else I mentioned and went on full denial mode telling me that they are orcs. Well yes as per books they are and so is the chieftain in black mail that stabbed Frodo, not a troll ;-). But Lord of the Rings films clearly established them as Goblins. No matter, yet I do find it ironic that you use goblin skins for orcs characters (since let's be honest their description in the books is nothing like they are presented in the films;-) )

Also have you actually called them orcs yourself prior to Hobbit trilogy release? XD Doubt it...

None the less, it is pointless from a psychological perspective trying to persuade you, no matter how reasonable my arguments are and how much I back them up by facts, the more I do so the more you gonna go full on defensive denial, especially since I am not a creator of the mode and didnt participate in the origins of ideas/creation brainstorming. 

The naming, however, was really a minor point in my post, but I honestly doubt you will look into my post with any seriousness at all now, since people (especially online) built up a resentment feeling for those who prove them wrong or point their mistakes out ;-) 

In Topic: General Questions & Suggestions Thread

29 March 2020 - 08:15 AM



Tolkien called them orcs in FOTR. We named them Moria Orcs for a reason.

But your models are based on the movies where they are goblins, not orcs, which is also what they would be in just about any other fantasy lore due to their size, skills, culture, armor and appearance. As described by Wikipedia - "A goblin is a monstrous creature from European folklore, first attested in stories from the Middle Ages. They are ascribed various and conflicting abilities, temperaments and appearances depending on the story and country of origin. They are almost always small and grotesque, mischievous or outright malicious, and greedy, especially for gold and jewelry."

Furthermore, I find it hard to believe that your naming came from the books and not a Hobbit trilogy films, as not a single mod developer or game creator has ever called them orcs up until the Hobbit films were released ;-) 


But to be honest that is besides the point, as I honestly don't think it is major what you call Moria Goblins in the Age of the Ring, as you absolutely perfected their looks, skills, amount of health they have per unit and/or any other balance related stuff ;-)

So I was more interested in developers looking into my balance change proposals not as much what units are called :-)

Kind regards!