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Member Since 05 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Apr 07 2007 06:55 PM

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In Topic: Nazgûls "Special Extended Edition"

09 February 2007 - 01:25 AM

I agree with Nazgul...if you don't wanna read long posts then don't....no one's holding a gun to your head...lol. :p

This is supposed to be a modding forum and as such this is a place that's likely to have longer posts than most, unless one wants inaccuracy and mistakes through lack of information. However I do try and paragraph my posts so it's easier (I hope) to read, or skip, the relevant parts of my posts. ;)

Nazgul thanks for the offer for me to be one of the first to try your mod...I look forward to it.
I don't think it's an effects error with the Witch King thing...it's more a case of the power doesn't work altogether. In the case of my Blade of Purity mod for Celeborn it still functions, it's just the aura thing that doesn't work...all the other effect/damage and stuff still does it's thing. I've seen this happen to other powers before but with more obvious results of the effect on the enemy/units.
With the Witch King he don't even set units on fire or anything else the power should do, it just doesn't activate at all on any level. Not even a sound effect...lol. Takeing a look at your mod should help though and I appreciate you letting me do so. :p

Also Nazgul I like your Galadriel plantir/button pics...awesome work... :grin:

My version of Galadriel in normal dress works as well as Ring Hero Galadriel and they're not affected by what the other is wearing - ie. Ring Hero Galadriel still has the white and black eerie look.

I'm at a loss as to why King Thranduil can't get Galadriel working. That mod worked fine on mine and so did her powers, in fact I was so pleased with how her and Celeborn turned out in that I applied them to my over-all mod which uses BFME 2 The War as a base and they still work.

In Topic: I need to know how...

07 February 2007 - 02:33 AM

Once you've found your object in your INI.big you'll need to add the code to the powers or upgrades to it, unless they're already in there. I suggest looking at other object inis to see how this is implimented.

You will usually need to create both commandbutton.ini enteries AND Commandset.ini enteries for your object (units and structures). The only time you don't need to create a command button is if the power or upgrade you're going to use already has a command button and it functions how you want it.
You always need to create a command set for a new unit or structure....unless you just want it sitting there looking pretty and not doing much else...lol.

That's the basics anyways as far as I know.

The building object inis are usually found in the object folder under either good faction or evil faction and then Structures folder (both factions have this folder).

hope this info helps. :D

In Topic: Nazgûls "Special Extended Edition"

07 February 2007 - 02:08 AM

Nazgul I was wondering if you could help me.
I tried useing that code for the Witch King's fire sword and it doesn't work, I still got regular Witch King with an added power that does nothing.

I'd be interested to poke around your code, if I may, so I can see exactly how you implimented it.

Also I was wondering if the fire sword thing is ROTWK specific....if it is then that would be why it isn't working, I don't have ROTWK.

In Topic: Celeborn for the Elves

06 February 2007 - 06:26 AM

I wouldn't know how to do that since that would involve horde modding to a degree that I don't really want to get into. Hero modding is bad enough...lol.
Hopefully someone else here can help.

In Topic: hobbit faction, where to start?

05 February 2007 - 10:53 PM

Go ahead and use any of my ideas Lauri,....it's why I post them here. :blink:
Good luck with your mod. :p